Saturday, August 6, 2022

The Week of August 8, 2022 in the City of Waxahachie

Hello Friends!

    I feel the need to start out this newsletter by addressing an item I saw on the front page of the Waxahachie Daily Light, that said the City of Waxahachie will be proposing a 3 cent tax rate DECREASE!  While this sounds amazing, because heck, I've fought for even a 1 cent decrease, PLEASE look at the totality of the situation.  Some will say "She's never happy!" and "She doesn't look at the big picture!" and both are untrue.  Here's why:  I will NOT be happy when the City LITERALLY charges residents at almost the highest they can without the law forcing an election.  On the surface 3 cents looks like a huge drop, and that's great; BUT, it's not the full picture...

    The numbers I've received (most recent and subject to change slightly before adoption) indicate that the 63 cent tax rate is almost the MAXIMUM that the City can charge without an election.  To be exact, at a rate above 63.0350 cents, Waxahachie would have to BY LAW, hold an election so voters could approve it.  But wait there's more... The actual Voter Approval Rate was 62.6959.  So how can the City charge a tax rate above the Voter Approval Rate?  Under that new law that took effect a couple years ago, if a city doesn't use the full 3.5% of their tax increase, whatever they don't use can be added on to their Voter Approval Rate within a certain amount of time.  Waxahachie apparently had some unused increment and instead of having a 62.70 cent tax rate, they went up to 63 cents.  But wait... there's still more....

    Here's where the total picture part really plays in.  IF the City of Waxahachie kept their budget the same as last year, they would only need to have a tax rate of 54.0834... That is the tax rate (aka the NNR or No-New-Revenue Rate) that, given the same properties that were on the rolls last year, would give the city the same amount of revenue. (This does NOT include all the new properties.)  This is because the appraisals on existing homes have gone through the roof in Ellis County.  We all know this because we see our appraised values each spring.  Some taxing entities are NOT jacking up the tax burden on people, such as Ellis County.  Last I heard, they were contemplating adoption of their NNR.  The idea behind this whole process of the County giving each entity their appraisal numbers BEFORE tax rates are set, is so that governmental entities can adjust that rate each year, depending on the circumstances.  In good governance, when appraisals go up, tax rates go down.  If tax rates remain the same or even go up, then people are paying more money in their tax bill.  What can be tricky for many to realize is that even if that tax rate goes down, BUT appraisals have gone super high, you might STILL be paying more in your tax bill.  That's why it's important to look at the situation as a whole.

    I believe at the next Council meeting, they will be voting on a notice that should have this information, or something very similar, but I wanted to address these numbers ahead of that and in response to the front page article.  Yes, a 3 cent tax cut is a wonderful thing; but, unless the NNR is adopted, you will most likely be PAYING MORE in taxes to the city this coming year.  Having been on Council, the NNR was a target for me, while realizing that it may not always be practical to reach it; HOWEVER, charging *** 8.9516 cents OVER the NNR  *** is unreasonable and then selling it as this great tax rate reduction for the citizens when they would've had to have an election for even adding 0.07 of a cent to what they are proposing to charge is just.... unacceptable.  One thing I CAN say with 100% certainty though, is that if residents don't contact their Council members and show up at the tax rate hearing (we'll know the date in a week or two), then this rate WILL get passed. 
    Finally, even our own Representative Brian Harrison has called on local governments to adopt the NNR.  Here's an article with Representative Harrison's full letter at the end:
 Moving on.... Please be sure to check back on the City's website for meetings that may be added after this newsletter goes out.  The link for their calendar is:

Monday, August 8, 2022
8:30 AM - Firemen's Relief and Retirement Fund (FR&R) Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
Waxahachie Fire Station No. 1
407 Water Street

Agenda Packet:

2 - Public Comments

5 - Discuss and act on rebalance of investment accounts

7 - Discuss and consider new Investment Policy Statement

Can residents attend in-person? Yes
Will it be live-streamed? No 
6:00 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Briefing Session
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.


This briefing will facilitate open discussion between city staff and P&Z Commissioners regarding items on the 7:00 PM regular agenda.  These are usually highly-informative sessions.

Can residents attend in-person? Yes
Will it be live-streamed? No
7:00 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.

3 - Public Comments
8 - While this one is a request for a detailed Site Plan Review and not a Public Hearing, I thought it would be of interest.  It is for an Assisted and Senior Living  2 story development adjacent to the Senior Center at 110 Park Hills Drive.  It is proposed to have 78 dwelling units for independent senior living, 59 assisted living beds, and 28 memory care beds.  On site amenities proposed include a restaurant, fitness center, yoga studio, theater, game room, dog park, salons and activity spaces.  Staff is recommending Approval as presented.

9 & 10 - Public Hearing on a request for a specific use permit (SUP) to modify the drive-through circulation and configuration for the existing Chick-fil-A located at 996 W. Hwy 287.  The applicant is not proposing any changes to the building itself.  The drawings for this new concept are included in the agenda packet, linked above.  Staff is recommending approval per comments.
11 & 12 - Public Hearing on a request for a Specific Use Permit to expand the existing Pro Star Rental of Waxahachie located at 2601 North Highway 77.  The property owner plans to purchase and acquire an additional .5 acres from the Northside Church of Christ to integrate into the site and expand the business's equipment rental and sales storage area. The applicant is requesting a couple of variances. Staff is recommending approval of the variances and approval per comments.
17 & 18 - Public Hearing on a request for a zoning change located at 206 and 208 N Jackson Street to reuse the existing building (a former cabinet shop) for indoor amusement.  The prospective tenant would like to relocate their successful haunted house (Reindeer Manor) to Waxahachie, as the owners of that business have moved to Waxahachie. During the rest of the year, the location would function as a skate park - which is something that I have heard talk about Waxahachie possibly wanting to have some time in the future. The planning analysis has more information, but the basic gist is that the city doesn't want a haunted house or skate park next to a possible upscale place and again, it appears that aesthetics are playing a role in things as well since the tenant doesn't want to enhance the appearance of the outside of the building. Staff is recommending denial.
Can residents attend in-person? Yes
Will it be live-streamed? Yes

Thursday, August 11, 2022
4:00 PM - Mid-Way Regional Airport Board Regular Meeting
Upstairs Common Area, Mid-Way Regional Airport
131 Airport Dr., Midlothian
3 - Public Comments
5 - Recognition of Outgoing Board member, Larry Huntley
6 - Discuss Election of Officers and take any necessary action
7 - Executive Session to discuss personnel matters for Mid-Way Regional Airport Manager and to deliberate economic development negotiations.
8 - Reconvene to take any necessary action resulting from the Executive Session
Can residents attend in-person? Yes (With the exception of the portion in Executive Session)
Will it be live-streamed? No
Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and a wonderful week ahead!
Your Friendly Neighbor,
Melissa Olson
(text) 817-507-5162

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