Hello Friends!
I know it seems like we just got done with an election and we did... the primaries; however, the next upcoming election is for your local elected officials - namely City Council Members and WISD School Board Trustees and Thursday April 7, 2022 is the last day to register to vote for this Election.
For more information on how to register to vote so you can help make a difference in your local government, you can go to the Ellis County Elections website here: https://www.co.ellis.tx.us/740/Voter-Registration-Information . This link will also let you change the address on your voter registration card if you've moved within the same county or from/to another county in Texas. If you aren't sure whether you're registered to vote or if your information is correct, please visit this website (I just love this one! It's so handy!) from the Texas Secretary of State's office: https://teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do If you have any questions, please reach out to me. My contact information is at the bottom of this page.
Now, moving on to this week's meetings. There aren't a whole bunch listed, but here is the link to the city's calendar and if any new meetings are posted after this newsletter goes out, they will be reflected here: https://www.waxahachie.com/calendar.php
Monday, March 7, 2022
6:30 PM - City Council Briefing Session
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
This briefing session is being held to discuss items for the 7:00 PM regular meeting. It is open to the public to attend in person; however, it is not live-streamed at this time.
7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
** No P&Z items on tonight's short agenda **
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/155656/3-7-22_City_Council_Agenda_Packet.pdf
4 - Public Comments: Persons may address the Council on any issues whether on this agenda or not; however, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act (TOMA), the Council may not comment or deliberate such statements during this period, except as authorized by Section 551.042, Texas Government Code. Speakers must observe the five minute time limit.
5e - Supplemental appropriation for additional track repairs and increased scope of wrought iron fencing at the Sports Complex. I bring this up because on a social media platform recently (although I can't remember which), someone had brought up the poor condition of the track at the Sports Complex. Staff have already been made aware of the issue and are bringing it to Council for final approval (the WCDC has already approved the appropriation from their funds) to get it fixed correctly. I hope that the person who had posted about that, is able to hear about this and know that we are taking care of the issue.
6 -Consider City of Waxahachie Annual Financial Report for year ended Sept. 30, 2021.
7 - Discuss Solicitation Ordinance. Council enacted this ordinance (No. 3209 : https://library.municode.com/tx/waxahachie/ordinances/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=1039440 ) on 9/8/20 and it was one of those things that we really needed to have in place in order to see how well it works and where it could be improved. It has been brought to my attention by a local business owner that they routinely have to go into the police station every month (excessive in my opinion) to have background checks run and fingerprinting done on every individual who goes door-to-door in Waxahachie for their company. I want to commend them for their efforts in trying to do the right thing and comply with the ordinance that Waxahachie has in place. The problem in my opinion is... when this ordinance becomes a burden on local companies. You have a company who is local, complying with the ordinance and then you have all the "bad actors" so to speak, who are usually NOT local, just looking to make some money off Waxahachie residents.
I cannot tell you how many door-to-door solicitors I have had who do NOT have a permit from our city. In fact, I could say CONSERVATIVELY... 90% of those who come to my door do NOT have a permit. This ordinance is for the safety of our residents and Chief Goolsby will go over the different details of the ordinance at the meeting.
*** For all those who are affected by this ordinance - especially local business owners, PLEASE consider coming and speaking on this issue at the meeting. Your input is invaluable and while we want the ordinance to protect residents, we also want to make sure it places REASONABLE requirements on our local businesses. Do you find all the requirements reasonable? Do they place a financial or otherwise burden on your ability to conduct business in the city? Whatever you think about this ordinance, now is the time to bring forward your thoughts, while Council is in the process of discussing it. We don't review ordinances very often at all, so that's why I want to be sure that I share this information in order for you to take part in this process. ***
This is an open meeting and residents are welcome to attend. For those unable to attend in person, the meeting will also be live-streamed at the following link: https://www.waxahachie.com/government/city_council/city_council_meeting_live_stream.php
Thursday, March 10, 2022
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4:00 PM - Mid-Way Regional Joint Airport Board Regular Meeting
Upstairs Common Area of Mid-Way Regional Airport
131 Airport Dr., Midlothian, TX
3 - Public Comments
5 - Presentation from our local Civil Air Patrol
6 - Presentation from Airport Business, Airborne Imaging
7 - Consider Hangar Lease Insurance Requirements
8 - Discuss the Hangar Waiting List Policy
This is a public meeting and residents are welcome to attend. This meeting is not currently live-streamed. For additional information on Mid-Way Regional Airport, please visit: https://www.mid-wayregional.com/
That's it for the meetings for this week.
I have had some folks ask about how they can help my campaign. Campaigns always need donations, but what I would really like to ask is for help with blockwalking. I would love if I could get a "neighborhood captain" for each neighborhood and that person would put door hangers on each door. (If you want to knock on doors and talk to people, that's a bonus, but definitely not required!) :) We would supply you with all the door hangers you need and for large neighborhoods, we have them broken down in to smaller sections, so we would even furnish a map of the area that needs to be walked as well.
*** To volunteer, please text/call me (817-507-5162); message me on nextdoor, or Facebook or even email me at olsonfortexas@gmail.com . That is my campaign email, not to be confused with my Council email below. ***
Thank you for your support! I hope you have a great rest of your weekend and a wonderful week ahead!
Your Friendly Councilmember,
Melissa Olson, CMO
(text) 817-507-5162
Council Email (no campaign-related emails please): molson@waxahachie.com
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