Hello Friends!
*** Don't forget to set your clocks 1 hour ahead to "spring forward" tonight (Saturday, 3/12/22)! ***
I hope everyone is doing well! I want to make y'all aware of a resource for updates and news for the city here: https://www.waxahachie.com/newslist.php They try to post most things like traffic closures, etc. Also, if you are on Facebook, I highly recommend following the City's official page. There is a ton of current information pushed out to the residents that way (even more than the city's website). Their page can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/CityOfWaxahachie.
If you live off Broadhead Rd., please be aware of the following: Please note that starting MONDAY MARCH 14, contractors will be switching two lane traffic over to the east side of Broadhead Road from US 287 to about April Lane in order to finish up on the pavers replacement project. The work is scheduled from 7am to 5pm Monday-Friday and possibly some Saturdays. Expect some delay and contact us at 469-309-4300 or email publicworks@waxahachie.com with any questions or concerns. We appreciate your cooperation and apologize for any inconveniences.
There are a lot of meetings for this upcoming week, so I'll get started; but please be aware of the city's calendar on the website which will be updated if any other meetings are added after this newsletter goes out. The link for that is: https://www.waxahachie.com/calendar.php
Monday, March 14, 2022
8:30 AM - FR&R- Firemen's Relief and Retirement Fund Regular Meeting
Waxahachie Fire Station No. 2
1601 Cleaver St., Waxahachie
This meeting seems to be fairly routine in nature; however, I would like to point out two items which may be of interest:
7 - Discuss and act on revising the Investment Policy
8 - Discuss and act on potential plan changes for the 2022 Actuary
This is a public meeting and you are welcome to attend. It is not live-streamed at this time.
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
6:30 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Briefing Session
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
This public briefing session is being held to discuss items for the 7:00 PM regular P&Z meeting. Residents are both welcome and encouraged to attend the briefing session as it is not live-streamed at this time.
7:00 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/156518/3-15-22_P_Z_Agenda_Packet.pdf
This is a pretty routine meeting. No multifamily (apartments) or large developments on the agenda.
5 & 6: The applicant requested to withdraw case # ZDC-10-2022, Heritage of Love Academy daycare. This means that the Commission will not hear anything about this case and there will be no decisions made on it either.
The rest of the agenda is posted above in the Agenda Packet link.
This is a public meeting and residents are welcome to attend, but it will also be live-streamed at the following link starting at 7:00 PM: https://www.waxahachie.com/government/city_council/city_council_meeting_live_stream.php
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
1:30 PM - Senior Center Advisory Committee Regular Meeting
Senior Center
122 Park Hills Drive
4 - Reorganize the Committee
6 - Consider financial report on Senior Center, Inc. for period ending February 28, 2022
7 - Discuss Senior Center Activities
8 - Discuss community garden expansion and take any necessary action
This is a public meeting and residents are welcome to attend; however, this meeting will not be live-streamed at this time.
3:00 PM - Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/156521/3-16-22_TIRZ_Agenda_Packet.pdf
It's been just over a year since the TIRZ Board met. You can review the minutes of the last meeting from Tuesday, February 23, 2021 in the agenda packet link above.
3 - Introduction to the TIRZ - Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1
4 - Reorganize the Board
6 - Hear financial update
7 - Consider funding for multiple Farmers Market improvements which you can review in the agenda packet.
8 - Consider funding for Downtown Parking Garage improvements for various improvements such as upgrading to LED fixtures (a brighter garage would be a safer garage), a new camera surveillance system, refreshing and updating signage, restriping the parking spaces and servicing of the A/C units in the IT and elevator room. The total cost of these improvements are projected to be $126,242.89.
This is a public meeting and you are welcome to attend; however, the meeting will not be live-streamed at this time.
Thursday, March 17, 2022 --- ** Don't forget to wear green for St. Patrick's Day **
5:30 PM - Heritage Preservation Commission Regular Meeting
Council Chamber/Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/156520/3-17-22_HPC_Agenda_Packet.pdf
4 - Hear request for reconsideration of approval of tax exemption application for 1404 W. Main
5 - 7: Consider approval of renewal, new and previously tabled HT tax exemption applications.
This is a public meeting and all are welcome to attend; however, the meeting will not be live-streamed at this time.
That's all for this week! (Plenty, don't ya think? lol) I hope everyone enjoys the rest of your weekend and has a wonderful week ahead!
Your Friendly Councilmember,
Melissa Olson, CMO
(text) 817-507-5162
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