Hello Friends!
My how time flies! We are already almost done with the second month of the new year! It doesn't seem possible, but here we are!
Tuesday, March 1st is the final chance to vote in the primary election. All the information you need is in this link on the Ellis County Election's website: Upcoming Elections | Ellis County, TX Official Website It includes health protocols, polling locations, Republican and Democratic Primary Sample Ballots and the Daily Early Voting Report: http://www.co.ellis.tx.us/DocumentCenter/View/15686/PrimaryDailyReport?bidId= As of 2/23/22, Ellis County had a 6.16% voter turnout. Polls will be open from 7a - 7p on Tuesday, so you still have a chance to vote!
Now, on to the City Election which will be held on Saturday, May 7, 2022! Your current candidates can be found here: https://www.waxahachie.com/departments/city_secretary/elections.php There has been a change in the race for Place 1. Mr. Paul Christensen has withdrawn from the race, leaving current Council Member David Hill (incumbent) and Mr. Darrin Robinson running for that place. The other two places are the same as last week (as of the time of this publication, but folks still have until 5PM Friday, 2/25, to withdraw).
The next step that happens in this process is to have a drawing for place on the ballot. Here is the notice for the drawing: https://files4.1.revize.com/waxahachietx/Notice%20of%20Drawing%20for%20Place%20on%20Ballot%20(Template).pdf Basically, Tuesday morning at 10am at City Hall, all candidates will draw to see the order in which they will appear on the ballot. The way the determination is made as to who draws first, is based on the order in which the candidate applications are successfully turned in and accepted by the City Secretary's office. For example in my race, Mr. Wright turned in his paperwork first, so he will be the first one to draw. Since there are only two of us in the Place 3 race, it's pretty easy to figure out which position I'll draw once his position is revealed. lol
That's just a little background on how that stuff works. Next, I want to share with you all a couple of important links of things going on right now. If you have been keeping tabs on the new Comprehensive Plan that the city is working on, here is the website to do that with: https://cityofwaxahachie.mysocialpinpoint.com/city-of-waxahachie-comprehensive-plan/home/ I believe they are still taking input on the maps, so if you have anything to share, please do so ASAP!
***** This link is REALLY important!! I want to share it with you so you have access to the same information that I do. With so much development going on, we are often asked "What's going in across the street from me?" - Or a variation of that. This map will tell you! If you know someone buying a home, please share this with them!!! So often, we buy our home and have no idea that the field next to us is going to become anything. In the case of our house, we have apartments springing up all around us. It turns out that the land around us was zoned for apartments 20 YEARS AGO! Yes. 20 years ago! That's just one example, but this comes up ALL the time. Please share with realtor friends, family and anyone who wants to know what's going on in Waxahachie! When you zoom in to your particular area of interest (or enter your address in the top where it asks for address or Parcel ID), then you will see that you can click on an area and that should lead you to where, for example, the PD (planned development) is for that area. You'll see all the details, drawings and so forth, that are planned for that. This is one GREAT tool the City has provided our residents. Please, please, please share it! https://waxgis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=585bd455f22d477882e98c5555ee7de9 ********
Okay, moving on to this week's meetings! For any meetings that may be added after this newsletter goes out, please refer to the calendar on the City's website:
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
3:00 PM - WCDC - Waxahachie Community Development Corporation Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/155198/3-1-22_WCDC_Agenda_Packet.pdf
4 - Receive Fiscal Year 2022 - 1st Quarter Financial Report
5 - Consider supplemental appropriation for additional track repairs and increased scope of wrought iron fencing. You may have noticed some work being done to the Sports Complex fence along Broadhead Road. They have been building rock pillars to hold the wrought iron fencing that will soon go up. This request is to extend that fence a little bit more so that all the Sports complex fencing facing 287 will be the new material. Regarding the track, I think staff is taking a very smart approach to the issue of track damage in order to maximize the use of the funds to ensure that the new track being laid down will last for a long time to come.
6 - Consider supplemental appropriation to the FY 21-22 Civic Center budget for increased costs associated with the restroom and dressing room renovations. Staff recently obtained an updated cost from the contractor to complete the project for 30% more than previously expected. The recent increase in cost of materials, along with labor and inventory shortages are some of the main contributing factors to the increased cost. There is sufficient funding available in the WCDC unrestricted reserve fund balance to cover the supplemental appropriation.
7 - Discuss and take possible action on potential funding source for Crape Myrtle Festival fireworks show. The largest sponsor of the event has always donated $10,000 every year since the creation of the event (so they only have $10k budgeted for this expense) and we have learned that the cost of the show has increased to $21,000. The city will continue to seek sponsorships for this event, but in order to book the show, there is a required deposit. Staff's recommendation is to use a supplemental appropriation from the WCDC unrestricted reserve to cover the additional cost if unable to secure more sponsors.
This is a public meeting and residents are encouraged to attend when possible. It is not being live-streamed at this time.
6:45 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Briefing Session
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
This briefing is being held to discuss items for the 7:00 PM regular meeting. Residents are welcome to attend; however, it is not live-streamed at this time.
7:00 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City hall
401 S. Rogers St.
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/155203/3-1-22_P_Z_Agenda_Packet.pdf
This is probably the shortest meeting yet. lol There is literally one case and it's not even a public hearing.
5 - Consider request by Tim Jackson for a Replat of Lot 2, park Place Professional Center, to create Lots 2A & 2B, Block A, Park Place Professional Center, 2 Commercial Lots - located North of 114 & 115 Park Place Court. This replat was spurred by the desire to develop an office building on proposed Lot 2A. Staff is recommending Approval, as presented.
This is a public meeting and residents are welcome to attend; however, it will be live-streamed at the time of the meeting (but you better be quick because this one will probably be over within 10 minutes max lol) at the following link: https://www.waxahachie.com/government/city_council/city_council_meeting_live_stream.php
Thursday, March 3, 2022
8:30 AM - City Cemetery Board Regular Meeting
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/155053/3-3-22_Cemetery_Board_Agenda_Packet.pdf
4 - Discuss cemetery activities
5 - Discuss damaged grave marker remains
This meeting is open to the public to attend; however, it is not live-streamed at this time.
3:00 PM - Park Board Regular Meeting
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/155058/3-3-22_Park_Board_Agenda_Packet.pdf
4 - Discuss park events and activities
5 - Hear update on park projects
6 - Discuss Lions Park Master Plan
7 - Discuss lake parks projects
8 - Discuss and consider Lake Parks engineering services contract
This meeting is open to the public to attend; however, it is not currently live-streamed.
4:30 PM - Keep Waxahachie Beautiful Committee Regular Meeting
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/155065/3-3-22_KWB_Agenda_Packet.pdf
4 - Discuss Keep Waxahachie Beautiful events and activities
5 - Discuss and consider a process of assigning tasks to committee members
6 - Discuss and consider PIN (Pride in Neighborhood) Award
This is a public meeting and residents are more than welcome to attend; however, this meeting is not currently live-streamed.
That's it for this week, folks! We covered a lot, but if you have any questions on anything in this newsletter or anything else city-related, my contact information is below. Please feel welcome to contact me!
I hope you have a fantastic weekend and a wonderful week ahead!
Your Friendly Council Member,
Melissa Olson, CMO
(text) 817-507-5162
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