This is a CALL TO ACTION for all residents inside Ellis County and specifically those in the City of Waxahachie! You have from 7a-7p today, Thursday, 10/31/19 and tomorrow, 11/1/19 to cast your vote! All Ellis County residents who are registered voters have the ability to vote for or against 10 Proposed Texas State Constitutional Amendments! City of Waxahachie registered voters have the ability to vote on those amendments as well as Proposition A.
Let me convey the importance of Proposition A - whether you're for or against. This, if approved, would be the FIRST change to our city's charter, since it was created. Our charter is a fantastic document and dictates the laws the city must go by. It is however, a bit dated. The residents of Waxahachie, according to the charter, voted and approved it 48 years ago - in April 1971. Many laws have changed since then and Waxahachie has almost tripled in that time! The population of Waxahachie in 1970 was 13,452 - compared to over 35,000 today! This is why I proposed adding council member seats to proposition A as well has having the Mayor elected from the people. (They aren't on there though - FYI). Anyway, those who created our charter did an amazing job and if anyone would like to read it, you can find it here:
Even though it is a wonderful document, there are some changes that should be made, just to bring the charter a little more in line with how large our city has grown and changes in the law over the last 48 years. In fact, we might create a charter review committee who can really delve into the charter at length and present the changes to voters. But, if Proposition A passes at the polls, we cannot make another charter change for 2 more years. That's just something to keep in mind. Personally, I would love to see those changes mentioned above as more of a priority than changing from an at-large plurality system to a majority place system.
This proposition does NOT create the same system that WISD has recently implemented. WISD had 6 public meetings where people could speak on the issue and created an at-large, plurality place system. That's just a lot of technical terms which means each board member represents the district as a whole instead of just one geographical district and are elected based on the top vote-getter in each place.
Proposition A would create an at-large, MAJORITY place system. I'm glad that we would stay at-large, because I love helping people from all over the city - not just one geographical area. I do NOT like the idea of places; however, because it makes people target specific seats. Some have said that this is the whole point - to remove those who aren't doing their job, but we are still a small city and I think that having places will create a lot of divisiveness. I really believe that having our current method is much more fair and allows for people to all run against each other, creating less of a political climate. Proposition A would create a majority system where a person must win by 50% of the vote or more or face a runoff election in their respective place. This is wasting more tax payer dollars, in my opinion, because we have to pay to contract services with the Ellis County Elections Department and would have to pay for the runoffs. Not only that, but the added stress and cost of a runoff election just doesn't seem to be worth it to me.
If we look at just the Elections Office numbers, assuming most people in Waxahachie have voted there (the only Waxahachie location), only 1001 people will decide how your City Council will be elected. 1001 people speaking for over 35,000!
Here is a pamphlet I put together which gives more information about Proposition A.
I'm really upfront and tell people that I don't like politics because I don't and the idea of having political signs around longer doesn't appeal to me (as would happen in runoffs). But - I DO love helping people and giving my constituents a voice. Your vote is also your voice - whether you vote for or against Proposition A. Please speak up and let your voice and your vote be heard!