Hello Friends!!
I hope everyone is doing well! We have one more election coming up and this is a big one! Until our city charter gets changed again, our candidates have to go into a runoff election if they don't secure 50%+1 or more of the vote, so any race with 3 or more candidates almost guarantees a runoff. They are expensive not only to candidates, but to residents as well. They also contribute to the voter apathy that we have and that in itself, is enough of a reason to me, to get that charter revised!
At any rate, PLEASE take the one minute (literally) to go vote in this runoff election! Dates, times and voting locations can be found here: http://www.co.ellis.tx.us/DocumentCenter/View/15884/EV-and-EDLocations-Prim-Runoff-2022?bidId=
As previously stated, here is who I will be supporting in this runoff. I like both of the candidates, so you won't hear me say anything negative about either, but in this case, I am supporting current Mayor Doug Barnes and here's why:
I had the pleasure of getting to know Doug very well while working
together on the City Council. He is wonderful to work with. He is very
respectful of everyone, works to create unity among the council, and is
110% committed to this position. He is honest, hard-working and acts
with integrity. I know that Doug will always vote his conscience and do
what is right for the city of Waxahachie.
His commitment and love for this city is evident in everything he does
and Waxahachie would be well-served by keeping him on the Council.
The ballot for this election in Waxahachie is literally only for Waxahachie City Council, Place 2, so it won't take any time at all for you to choose your next council member. PLEASE come out to vote and get your "I Voted" sticker!
There are a few meetings for the week already on the city's calendar but please check back to see if any meetings are added after this newsletter goes out: https://www.waxahachie.com/calendar.php
Monday, June 6, 2022
6:00 PM - City Council Briefing Session
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
The Council briefings are the meat of the information and at this time, they are still not live-streamed, so please 1) contact the Council and request for this to be live-streamed (The room is already fitted to do zoom calls, so the equipment to do this streaming, at least to the city Facebook or YouTube pages, is already in place and could be utilized for FREE.) and 2) please try to attend the briefing session whenever possible.
Contact information for the Council can be found here: https://www.waxahachie.com/government/city_council/index.php
There aren't public comments during the briefing session, but the discussion amongst Council and staff is truly invaluable.
7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/174897/6-6-22_City_Council_Agenda_Packet.pdf
4 - Public Comments
* Please note that all items under #5 are in the Consent Agenda and are considered to be routine by the Council and are usually all approved as one item. Council members may remove any item for separate discussion; however, this rarely happens.
5d - Event application for Juneteenth Musical, Parade and Celebration on June 17-18, 2022
5f - Authorize supplemental appropriation funding the runoff election on 6/18/22 in the amount of $13,910
5g - Resolution to suspend the effective date of a rate increase request by Oncor
5h - Set City Council meeting for Tuesday, July 5, 2022 due to the July 4th holiday on the regular meeting day.
6 - Present Proclamation proclaiming June 19, 2022 as Juneteenth Day
7 - Present Proclamation proclaiming June 4, 2022 - July 4, 2022 as Crape Myrtle Month
8 - 11: Have requested continuance to a later meeting. Details are in the agenda packet linked above.
** 12 & 13 - Electronic message sign use for First United Methodist Church at 505 W. Marvin Ave. This case has created a lot of opposition and buzz in the community. A total of 41% of the property owners WITHIN 200' of the proposed SUP have submitted letters of opposition. That is practically unheard of to have that much opposition to a project. Due to this level of opposition, per Section 2.04 (h)(v)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance, it will take 4 members of the Council to vote in favor of this for it to be approved. (It only has to be 20% opposition within 200' for this rule to come into effect.) Staff is also recommending denial.
**** 16 - Consider and take action on a resolution directing publication of
notice of intention to issue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2022; directing the preparation of a preliminary official statement and related materials; and providing an effective date. This is the first step to the city issuing debt. Unlike the WISD who takes matters to be voted on by the residents, the city chooses to do Certificates of Obligation where the citizens don't vote on it. I have been trying for years to get these taken to the citizens because this debt IS BACKED BY PROPERTY TAXES. That being said, I do support all of the items listed on the sheet except for 2 million for park improvements/ boat dock park. I think that these kind of park projects would be a great candidate for sales tax revenue uses (projects by the WCDC). The total bond package is set at $20,931,000 I do think that residents should have the right to vote on this (the May election would've been a great time for that).
notice of intention to issue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2022; directing the preparation of a preliminary official statement and related materials; and providing an effective date. This is the first step to the city issuing debt. Unlike the WISD who takes matters to be voted on by the residents, the city chooses to do Certificates of Obligation where the citizens don't vote on it. I have been trying for years to get these taken to the citizens because this debt IS BACKED BY PROPERTY TAXES. That being said, I do support all of the items listed on the sheet except for 2 million for park improvements/ boat dock park. I think that these kind of park projects would be a great candidate for sales tax revenue uses (projects by the WCDC). The total bond package is set at $20,931,000 I do think that residents should have the right to vote on this (the May election would've been a great time for that).
** I am assuming at this time that our current I&S rate is sufficient to cover this proposed new debt, but plan on asking staff about that on Monday.
17 - Consider Supplemental Appropriation of $15,222 to fund cemetery gravestone repairs. This is still funding necessary for the vandalism that was discovered in our cemetery on February 28, 2022. The cemetery fund balance for FY22 has sufficient capacity to fund this supplemental appropriation.
18 - 21: Wastewater and water projects which are pretty routine in nature.
It is a pretty full agenda, but should go fairly quickly, depending on the P&Z cases. I plan to be there and hope that you can go as well, but if not, it will be live-streamed at the following link: https://www.waxahachie.com/government/city_council/city_council_meeting_live_stream.php
Thursday, June 9, 2022
4:00 PM - Mid-Way Airport Board Regular Meeting
Upstairs Common Area of Mid-Way Regional Airport
131 Airport Drive, Midlothian, TX
3 - Public Comments
4 - Consent Agenda
5 - Report on the Pancake Breakfast Fly-In/Drive-In that happened this past weekend
6 - Presentation by the Midlothian Economic Development - I don't know what this is regarding, but it sounds like it is definitely something worth noting and would be interesting to hear.
This is a public meeting and you are welcome to attend, but it is not a live-streamed meeting.
5:30 PM - Heritage Preservation Commission Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/174830/6-9-22_HPC_Agenda_Packet.pdf
2 - Public Comments
4 - Reconsider Certificate of Appropriateness for 211 S. College
5 - Consider concept plan for 105 - 111 S. College ( this sounds really interesting!)
This meeting is open to the public if you wish to attend. It is not live-streamed at this time.
That's all for this week! I hope that everyone has a great rest of your weekend and a wonderful week ahead!
Don't forget to go vote!!
Your Friendly Neighbor,
Melissa Olson
(text) 817-507-5162
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