Hello Friends!
First of all, Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! I hope that you all have a wonderful day!
Next: Election Results:
1) These numbers are UNOFFICIAL until the canvassed or adopted by the political subdivision holding the election (in this case, the City of Waxahachie).
2) At this time, it appears that Mr. Patrick Souter has won the election over Mr. Doug Barnes by 29 votes. EVERY. VOTE. MATTERS. Unofficial-Summary-Results-Report- (ellis.tx.us)
3) THANK YOU to the 889 residents who voted!
4) This document shows that 268 mail ballots were not returned or pending voter action and an estimated 2 provisional ballots which could be added to the final count. Generally, however, the changes from the unofficial numbers to the adopted counts are usually very small. In a race this close, I don't know if it will change things or not. Preliminary-Election-Reconciliation-Report (ellis.tx.us)
5) Congratulations to Mr. Souter! I think he is a good man and I wish the best for him as he starts this journey. I look forward to his analytical approach to city issues. I think that folks who can bring different perspectives to the Council enhance the ideas, discussion and trajectory of the city in a positive way.
6) Mr. Barnes, I am sorry that you lost your race. You are a tremendous asset to the City of Waxahachie and thank you for your many years of service, even before the Council. We haven't always agreed on issues, but I have a lot of respect for you and for your experience. Not only that, but while serving as Mayor, you were great about making each Council member (or at least myself) feel important, respected and part of the Council as a team and I highly commend you for that. There had not been another mayor while I was on Council who did this like you. It was great for the Council to have a mayor like that, but also gave Waxahachie cohesive leadership, even though we did not all vote the same. The time and dedication you give to the role of mayor is something that I am truly grateful for. Thank you, sir. Your passion for Waxahachie is evident. Please continue to remain involved. There is so much that can be done on this side of the dais.
7) Whether your candidate won or lost, it is up to us, the citizens of Waxahachie, to hold our leadership accountable (this is not a bad thing) to make sure they are doing what we as residents, want for our city. We hear about this all the time, but how do you actually DO that?
Here are several ways to hold elected officials accountable:
1 - Communicate with and let them know how you feel on items. You can do this by:
B. Phone Call / Text Council members directly: Most, if not all, of the Council will get you their cell number if you just ask.
C. Send mail to City Hall: addressed to P.O. Box 757, Waxahachie, TX 75168
D. Call City Hall and leave a message: The main number is 469-309-4000
2 - Come to a City Council meeting and speak at the Public Comments section. You can use this method to communicate your opinions, but keep in mind that Council can't really respond to what you're saying. Even though that's the case, it is still a great way to let them know about your concerns and it addresses all members at the same time, including city staff. Council meetings are held at 7:00 PM on the first and third Mondays of each month, except for when holidays fall on that day. A great example is the first Council meeting of July 2022. That meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 5th instead of Monday, July 4th.
3 - Be involved. There are great ways to do that such as the meeting being held this coming Tuesday in the Council Chamber regarding the new Comprehensive Plan for the City. Another wonderful way is to put in an application to serve on one of the City's many boards/commissions. Applications must be submitted by July 31st to be considered for the current year. The link for the application process and other information is: https://www.waxahachie.com/government/boards_commissions.php
Alright! Let's get on with meetings for the week! There aren't a bunch, but the ones coming up are pretty important. As always, please check the calendar on the city's website to see if new meetings are added after this newsletter goes out. The link to do so is here: https://www.waxahachie.com/calendar.php
Monday, June 20, 2022
6:30 PM - City Council Briefing Session
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
This briefing is being conducted to discuss items for the 7:00 PM regular Council meeting. It is an open meeting and residents are welcome and encouraged to attend, but there will be no public comments during this time (that happens during the regular meeting). Also, this highly-informative briefing session is NOT live-streamed at this time. The consensus of the previous Council (I was okay moving it if it would allow for streaming) was to continue holding briefings in the conference room, as opposed to the Council Chamber, which is already set up for professional streaming.
I make the distinction about "professional streaming" because residents are welcome to live-stream public meetings as long as there are not distractions caused by doing so. (Setting up a tri-pod is fine as long as it is out of the way and if you decide to do it, it would be best to keep any cords free from walkways, if power cords are necessary.)
This is something that is important to me for the sake of transparency and education, but it takes more than one to make it happen. If this is important to you too, I would definitely encourage you to utilize one of the communication methods listed above to express your wishes to Council.
7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/175778/6-20-22_City_Council_Agenda_Packet.pdf
4 - Public Comments
5c - I don't generally put event applications on here unless they will somehow impact residents or merchants; however, Waxahachie is a city that is FILLED with heart and this particular application is for a Fundraiser to build a home for a local homeless man, Thomas Jordan. The organization requesting the permit is the Ellis County Homeless Coalition and they are requesting to use Railyard Park on July 23rd from 10a -2p. If approved, I hope there is a great turnout and this home can get funded and built.
6 - Present Proclamation proclaiming June 2022 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Month
** 7 - This case is for an Electronic Message Sign for the Cowboy Church. The applicant has requested continuance of case # ZDC-45-2022 to the Tuesday, July 5, 2022 City Council meeting agenda.
11 - Consider Adoption of Lions Park Master Plan - While I think the ideas for the project are great, I really question whether this is the most efficient use of taxpayers' dollars when at least some will be demolished when the Waste Water Treatment Plant gets expanded. That being said, I would need more answers before I could personally make a decision on something like this. Some might say that it's just approving the Master Plan for the park, but I have been told before "What's the point of a master plan if you're not going to follow it?'- And I agree; however, questions I currently have are: 1) Can we get a clear picture of the costs worksheet? It is blurry in the packet. 2) When is the WWTP due to be expanded? 3) What portions of Lions Park will be demolished from the expansion? 4) What is the dollar amount of enhancements/projects that will be lost from the WWTP expansion if this plan is approved and executed? The answers to these questions would certainly help me get a better read on this situation.
12 - Consider passing a resolution accepting the terms of the SWAT Night Vision Enhancement, Homeland Security Grant Program. The terms of the program are not included in the packet, that I could find.
13 - Consider a contract award for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) services for Sipes Instrumentation and Electric Services. The SCADA system helps monitor and regulate the City's Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection System. There were two bids received and Sipes was deemed the best provider of these services based on the City's needs (and also low bidder). This service contract is a 3 year agreement in the amount of $213, 055 with 2 one-year renewal options at the City's sole discretion. This service is an annually budgeted expense within the departments O&M budget and staff will continue to do so in future years to maintain this service contract.
This is a relatively short meeting agenda and you are welcome to attend in person. This meeting is also live-streamed at the following link: https://www.waxahachie.com/government/city_council/city_council_meeting_live_stream.php
Tuesday, June 21, 2022 *** IMPORTANT ***
6:30 PM - CPAC - Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/175683/6-21-22_CPAC_Agenda_Packet.pdf
3 - Discuss and give input on the recommended land use and growth management strategy for the Comprehensive Plan presented by the consultant team.
I believe that this is the presentation for Tuesday evening; however, it may be one of the, if not the last chance, to provide input in this project which will shape Waxahachie: wax_cpac_flattened
Current Phase
February 2022 - February 2023
- Implementation Program Development
- Draft Final Plan
- Final Plan & Implementation Program
- Adoption Process
*** This is in the final phases of the project and is a great way to have input on what happens in your city! This meeting is open to the public so please attend, if possible. It is not live-streamed, to my knowledge. ***
To review the information presented, timeline and ways to provide input (if they're still taking it) please click here to access the site designed just for this comprehensive plan process: 2022 Comprehensive Plan Website
This is a great opportunity to get involved and show some pride in our wonderful city!
8 AM - 12 PM - Keep Waxahachie Beautiful Clean Up Day
Waxahachie Beautiful is hosting a Litter Clean Up Day on
Adopt-a-Highway June 25th from 8am – 12pm!
Meet up location will be at
Eddie Finley Jr High School parking lot at 8am. The Keep Waxahachie
Beautiful Committee will have supplies for volunteers.
For more
information, please contact the Parks Department at 469.309.4270
I was at the last cleanup, but won't be able to make it this time. The city is always in need of volunteers for this event!
** Please come out if you can - even if it isn't for the whole time! **
I know this was long, but I appreciate you taking the time to read through everything. Please stay safe in this heat and have a wonderful week ahead!
Your Friendly Neighbor,
Melissa Olson
(text) 817-507-5162
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