Sunday, May 8, 2022

It's a God Thing: The Week of May 9th - 13th, 2022


Hello Friends,

    I want to start out by saying this whole experience of serving on the City Council has been a God thing.  I have always stayed as far away from politics as possible.  Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine I would have the honor and privilege of serving not one, but TWO terms on Council.
    God has other plans for me.  What they are, I'm not sure, but I know that it will be for something good.
    This is the hard part... I have been blessed with an opportunity that connected me with some extraordinary people throughout the community and many very special people who work for the city of Waxahachie.  The thought of not being connected with all of you is something that has brought tears to my eyes right now.  I hope that we have formed the kind of relationship where we can stay in contact and while I may not be on Council after the 16th, I'm always happy to help in any way that I can.
    I really do love this city and the people in it and I am sad that this chapter is closing.  I will still be involved and would like to continue my blog, although it may not be every week.

    Thank you... there's a long list, so please bear with me.  Thank you, God, for letting me serve the community in this way.  It's been tough at times, but I wouldn't change anything about it.  Thank you to my husband and kids for their support through this.  Being in office affects them.  They've put up with me leaving to go to meetings, communicating with residents (which is a great thing, by the way) and of course campaigning itself.  They have also experienced the ups and downs with me.  We've had some great victories in making Waxahachie even better, but they also feel the downs like when certain printed media people launch vicious attacks against my character.  It doesn't just hurt me, when that happens, but them too.  That's not my idea of holding people accountable.  That's just having a "mean girl" attitude.  So, I thank my family for their patience and for riding the roller coaster ride that is being an elected official.

    Thank you to the amazing staff at City Hall.  There are some great people there and each person has their own story.  They have fielded countless questions from me and take it in stride, knowing that I wasn't attacking them in any way, but truly trying to find answers on different matters.  Our first responders are also very special to me for the job they do every day.  I'm so grateful for their service.

    Last but not least, thank you to the residents of Waxahachie... This was the opportunity of a lifetime.  It really was.  I'm so very grateful that you put your trust in me to serve you in City Hall.  I don't take trust lightly.  For those who helped with my campaign, I can't tell you how much that has helped our family.  Offering to blockwalk, giving donations to help the campaign financially, and having my sign in your yard, were also ways in which you put your trust in me and I am grateful for you.

    From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so very much for these last 4 years.  They have provided some of the most challenging, but also some of the most rewarding times of my life and I sincerely hope that we can stay in touch.  I'm still your neighbor.  I'm still a resident of Waxahachie and I don't ever plan to move from here.  I still have a heart to serve others.  If there's any way I can help, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you again,


    For those who would like to see the unofficial results of all of the elections, you can go to this link and then click "Unofficial Cumulative Results" (the top option).  May 7, 2022 Joint Election | Ellis County, TX Official Website  At least for Council, I believe the plan is to canvass the votes (basically accept the totals) at the next REGULARLY scheduled Council meeting which is on Monday, 5/16/22 at 7:00 pm.  The agenda packet for that probably won't be ready until May 13th.  At the 5/16/21 meeting, that's when after accepting the votes the candidate who won and don't have a runoff, will take their oaths of office and then in my case, Mr. Wright will take my seat at the dais and I will go into the audience.
    I congratulate Mr. Wright on winning the election and will hold him accountable for his decisions on Council, as he has done so for me for the past few years.  I would encourage all residents to hold their elected officials accountable.  That is a great way to effect positive change in the community.

    Let's get on to those meetings for the upcoming week!  As always, please check back on the City's calendar to see if any new meetings are posted after this newsletter comes out.

Monday, May 9, 2022
8:30 AM - FR&R Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
Fire Station Number 1
407 Water Street

There are a few routine items on the agenda, but some of particular interest may include:

7 - Consider and act on a new money manager

8 - Consider and act on new Investment Policy Statement

9 - Consider and act on rebalancing the portfolio

10 - Hear update on cost for document shredding

11 - Hear request from Fire Marshal John Rodgers requesting exception on benefits and take action.

This meeting is not live-streamed, but it is a public meeting and you are welcome to attend.
11:00 AM - City Council Special Meeting ***
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.

I used asterisks here because special meetings are just that - special.  They don't come along every day, so I wanted to be sure to point this one out to you.

The only real items of note are:  

4 - Convene into Executive for consultation with attorney to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of Municipal Court Judge and Associate Municipal Judge.  

5 - Reconvene and take any necessary action.

There are public comments at the beginning of the meeting if anyone would like to address Council on the matter.  Just please keep in mind that we are extremely limited in response at that time and that is due to the law.  I don't say that as a deterrent in any way, but as a reminder so you don't think we are ignoring you.

This will be my last full council meeting as well.  I will have my last P&Z meeting on May 10th and then I will be at the meeting on the 16th, as I've kind of outlined above.

The meeting should be live-streamed.  If it is, it will be accessible via this link:
You are also welcome to attend the meeting in person.

Tuesday, May 20, 2022
3:00 PM - WCDC - Waxahachie Community Development Corporation
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.

4 - Consider authorizing the use of CVB (Convention & Visitors Bureau) FY 22 contingency funds for Total Solar Eclipse Event in 2024

5 - 8: Hear updates from CVB, Civic Centers, Community Beautification and the Sports Complex

9 - Hear update on Lake Parks Improvement Project

10 - Hear update on Mid-Way Airport

This is a public meeting and you are welcome to attend.  It will not, however, be live-streamed.
6:30 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Briefing Session
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.

This briefing session is being held to discuss items for the 7:00 PM regular meeting.  These briefing sessions, especially the ones held by Council, are really where the discussion takes place and they have a tremendous about of knowledge.  Since Council has decided not to stream briefings at this time (I really hope they will reconsider), I strongly urge residents to attend the briefings in person.  They are open to the public.
7:00 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.

3 - Public Comments

There are only three cases tonight. 

7 - Consider request by Terrance Jobe for a Plat of Montclair Heights.  I am listing this item because a lot of folks are interested in it; however, this is NOT a public hearing for it.  Another reason I'm highlighting this particular item is to let everyone know what stage this development is in.  When it comes time for platting, the P&Z Commission will be the approving body and it won't even go to Council AND they have very little discretion in this one because of how it works and the law.  If a case meets all the specs set forth during the zoning phase, P&Z will approve it.  Staff is recommending "Approval as Presented".

7 & 8 - Public Hearing on a request by Dean Settlemyer for a Replat of 4.277 acres, located near 1518 W. Main Street.  Staff is recommending disapproval due to the variance request asking that the 15' utility, water and wastewater easement be completely eliminated.  The applicant feels his dedication of the right-of-way, being in conformance with the City's Thoroughfare plan is sufficient and that the additional utility easement dedication is excessive and creates site layout obstacles.

That's it for this meeting!  There's only one case I didn't include, but you can review it and all the details of each case in the agenda packet, linked above.  This meeting will be live-streamed at the following link:

Thursday, May 12, 2022
3:00 PM - Park Board Special Meeting
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.

I believe this meeting has been called because there was a lack of quorum at the previous week's meeting.  This agenda is just an abbreviated version of last week's agenda.

4 - Consider seasonal vendor permit at Lake Waxahachie

5 - Present Lions Park Master Plan and take action.

This is a public meeting and you are welcome to attend.  This meeting will not be live-streamed.
4:00 PM - Mid-Way Regional Airport Board Regular Meeting
Upstairs Common Area of Mid-way Regional Airport
131 Airport Dr., Midlothian

5 - Consider Airport rates and charges for 2022-2023

6 - Consider starting the process to update the Airport Master Plan

7 - Update on the Pancake Breakfast

There are lots of great things happening at our airport and I hope that you will have the opportunity to make it to the meeting, although I realize that having it during the day does make it difficult for most who have to work.  It will not be live-streamed.
5:30 PM - Heritage Preservation Commission Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.

4 - Reconsider Certificate of Appropriateness for 211 S. College

5 - Consider Certificate of Appropriateness for 707 W. Marvin

6 - Consider Certificate of Appropriateness for 205 Oldham

7 - Consult with owner of 604 N. Rogers about front door

This meeting will not be live-streamed at this time, but it is a public meeting and residents are welcome to attend.
Well, that's it for this week.  I think 8 meetings is enough.  What about you?  lol  There is a lot happening in Waxahachie, so stay tuned!  

I hope that everyone has an amazing Mother's Day and a great rest of your weekend.  Have a wonderful week ahead!

Your Friendly Councilmember - for one more week,

Melissa Olson, CMO
Personal cell (text/call) - 817-507-5162
Council email until May 16th:
After May 16th, please use my alternate email:


1 comment:

  1. Melissa thank you for all of your hard work and many sacrifices. You are appreciated by so many including me.
