Hello Friends!
My, oh my do we have a lot going on, so let's dive on in!
I. Elections:
A. First things first! Please note the addresses on the picture above for the polling locations for the rest of Early Voting and for Election Day. These are the correct addresses and I have a link for voting information below in B. There was an error with the Election Day polling locations on my previous graphic, so I wanted to be sure to correct that and to let you know. Hopefully, we can get the word out before Election Day, so that nobody will go to the wrong place to vote.
Here is a link where you can access when and where to vote: Early Voting locations and times (only Monday and Tuesday - 5/2 and 5/3 are left in Early Voting); Election Day voting locations; Sample Ballots (including full text of the proposed Constitutional Amendments) and Daily Early Voting Report (PDF) -
Link for the election results. Usually, around 7:00 PM on Election Day (May 5th, this year) the Elections Dept. will upload the results of EARLY VOTING. Then, the remainder of the Election Day results come later that evening. That being said, usually the results of Early Voting have historically been a pretty good predictor of the winner, unless the numbers are close. Here is that link:
PLEASE ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO VOTE. The numbers have been pretty bad so far and there are only two days left in Early Voting! There have been 1,329 people that have voted in person between the Elections Office and WISD Admin Building.... In a town with a population over 40,000. Keep in mind, that these aren't even the full total. Some have mailed in their ballots, but please also remember that many folks who were coming to the Elections Office and Admin Building were only voting on School Board (and proposed Constitutional Amendments) because they don't live in the city limits. Here is the
direct link for that report, which is updated after the close of voting during each day in Early Voting.
F. For anyone with one of my campaign yard signs: Please let me know if:
1) You'd like to keep my sign
2) You no longer have my sign (some have blown away from storms, etc.)
Otherwise, we will plan on going around on the afternoon of Saturday, May 7th, to pick up the signs so that we don't have to bother anyone on Sunday, May 8th - Mother's Day! Thank you for your help in making this process smoother and also THANK YOU for your support of my campaign!
G. THANK YOU to all who have already cast your vote and let your voice be heard!
II. Waxahachie Events:
Before getting into the meetings for the week, I just want to link the city's calendar in case any new meetings are added to the schedule after this newsletter goes out. The link is:
Monday, May 2, 2022
6:00 PM - City Council Briefing Session
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
This briefing session is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC and is jam-packed with information. Especially since we have a pretty full meeting agenda, these briefings are where a lot of the discussion happens.
It will not be live-streamed by the city at this time. I want to make it clear that I DO want this briefing streamed, as well as the P&Z briefing session. There was discussion at the Council retreat regarding this (which I will recommend folks read in the agenda packet link for the meeting). My stance was, yes I like the conference room set up better for meetings, but if Council wouldn't stream the briefings in the Conference Room, then let's move the briefings out in the Chambers where we already have audio/visual equipment installed and is more in the open. When the decision was made that no, Council didn't want to stream the briefings even if they were held in the Council Chamber, then I said it didn't matter to me where they were held. (I was not a deciding vote at that point. The majority had already cast their decisions.)
I'm frustrated because I think it would be a very good thing for the city to do this and improve transparency and provide residents information. Being unwilling to stream briefings or meetings can give the illusion that there are back room deals happening in these briefing sessions and that's not the case. There's just a ton of great information exchanged between staff and Council at these briefings.
This lengthy piece was simply to provide you an update on where the briefing location and stream status is at this time; where it will probably stay for a while; and, where exactly I fit in.
7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
4 - Public Comments: Persons may address the City Council on any issues. Council is limited by law in what we can respond, so usually we stay quiet and listen to the issue at hand, but very important for people to know that they can speak during a Council meeting to let us know about an issue (good/bad).
*** 5c *** - Minutes of the City Council retreat of April 25 - 26, 2022. This may be one of the few times that I actually draw attention to the minutes because that is just a normal part of every Council meeting; however, there was a ton of information presented and Council did provide the City Manager with direction on several items. You can find this by clicking the agenda packet link above and then clicking item c. under 5. Consent Agenda. It should take you right to those particular minutes.
5g - Event application for NAGAAA Gay Softball World Series to be held August 30 - September 3, 2022 at the Sports Complex. I'm not aware of very many national tournaments that have been brought to Waxahachie, so I'm sure this event is generating some excitement; however, I have an issue related to alcohol. Staff has already said in the agenda packet material that there will be no youth sports happening at the same time as this event, so that part is good; however, the Sports Complex is attached to a school - Howard Junior High. There are students that walk and bike through that parking lot every morning and afternoon and I've seen the kids do PE by running the trail around the complex. I am pretty nervous about mixing a large number of adults, alcohol and kids. Am I being overly cautious? Do y'all have any concerns about this event?
10 - 12: Public Hearing on a request by Chad Adams for a Zoning Change from Future Development (FD) to Planned Development Single Family 1 (PD-SF-1) located off of Howard Road. Since the proposed development will consist of 122 lots, the Applicant will have to conduct a traffic impact analysis (TIA) during the civil plan review process for City Staff to evaluate the traffic demand and impact generated by this development. The P&Z Commission approved this proposed development and staff recommends approval per comments. It is not often that we are approached with a development such as this. Most that I've seen so far are trying to get SF-3 zoning (our smallest single family standards) or less. This development EXCEEDS our SF-1 standards, which is quite frankly, pretty dang hard to do. I have a few questions to ask staff about in the briefing, but overall, I think it is a very nice development.
13 - 17: 13 & 14 have to do with the Public Hearing on a request by Susan Calvert for Voluntary Annexation of approximately 19.25 acres at 823 Ovilla Rd. I lumped these with 15 - 17 because they are all pretty much dependent on the other. If the zoning from 17 doesn't pass, then they won't want to be annexed and if the annexation doesn't pass, then the zoning is a moot point. (This is a common thing you'll see with zoning cases that require pieces to be annexed.)
The Public Hearing is on a request by Chip Boyd for a Zoning Change from Single Family -1 (largest) to Single Family- 3 (smallest) zoning, located at 823 Ovilla Rd. The Planning and Zoning Commission did approve this development at the last P&Z meeting, although I have several issues with it. 1) I don't want a development to be changing what was at first our highest zoning into our lowest SF designation and NOT EVEN MEETING THOSE REQUIREMENTS. 2) I feel this proposal is all about what the city can do for them and not the other way around. Waxahachie is growing and we are all feeling the growing pains. City leaders need to pause when there are developments proposed that are NOT improvements to the city and I feel this is one of those.
So, let's talk numbers. When staff presented this to P&Z, they compared the proposal to SF-3. We need
to keep in mind that the land in question is currently SF-1 zoning, and because of that, I didn't feel the SF-3 comparison was really fair, so I did my own. In the charts I made, this proposed development doesn't come close to SF-1 standards. (Staff did go ahead and include SF-1 zoning standards in the agenda packet for Council so you can see those numbers in the agenda packet link above.) I took it another step farther and compared it to Montclair Heights, which did get approved and was originally going to be brought forth and presented together with this development called The Oaks at Twin Creeks, since they are basically one big development split into two different developers. The green-shaded areas are which stats are better, with "better" usually being closer to our development standards. The far left column is the characteristic (minimum lot width, depth, etc.); the second column holds the numbers for Montclair Heights and the right column holds the numbers for the Oaks at Twin Creeks. (This only shows the first 3 categories of homes, but the trend is the same.) I think it is a no-brainer that Montclair Heights was a better development overall.
Not only was it clear in the comparison that The Oaks at Twin Creeks' standards were much lower than others, the developer also wanted (apparently until 4/29/22 according to the staff report in the agenda packet) a variance request for a waiver of the cash-in-lieu of park land dedication fees. They wanted us to accept some green space they had set aside (which the city would then be responsible for upkeep and that costs money) instead of paying these park land dedication fees.
Another thing I have failed to see, even after reading through the staff report and developer agreement, is anything about the road that is supposed to be the extension of the one created by Montclair Heights, connected to Ovilla Road. I have a note to ask staff about this at the briefing session and hoping I have somehow overlooked it.
I don't always (in fact, almost never) take such a stance against a particular development, but I hope that you're able to see why I feel this way about this one. I feel that we, as city leadership, need to stop lowering our standards over and over and over to try to meet the needs of developers when they are, as with all businesses, trying to make ends meet and then some. I want to be clear that I'm not vilifying this developer, his company or developers in general. I'm just being honest about my opinions on the development that brought forward and we'll have to discuss and vote on Monday night.
18 - Consider a resolution authorizing the reimbursement of the General Fund from the proceeds of future debt associated with the purchase of Fire Truck 1 and related supplemental appropriation. As you can see in the Council retreat minutes, this was discussed and Council felt it was a priority to get this fire truck ordered (since it takes TWO YEARS from ordering to delivery) and phase in the staffing required for the truck. The original CIP had the truck a few more years out before we even order. The addition of Truck 1 will also enhance the possibility of obtaining an ISO 1 rating. Insurance companies use the score to help set home insurance rates because a home that is less likely to be severely damaged or destroyed by fire is cheaper to insure. I think it's safe to say that public safety is a top concern of everyone on Council.
19 - Consider mid-year request for an Animal Shelter Kennel Attendant and related supplemental appropriation. Currently with only three employees, this department can be running with only one or two on duty, if others are out on sick leave, vacation, training, etThis position is desperately needed and I think has been needed for a while. Their primary function is to work in the shelter and take care of customer service, cleaning the facility and feeding the animals. This would allow the other employees to respond to calls in the field and handle animal-related complaints in the field. The total financial impact on the remainder of this budget year would be $19,341.
20 - Consider proposed Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances Chapter 23 "Solicitation Activities". Currently the city's policy requires solicitors to obtain a permit from the police department every 30 days. The process includes a comprehensive written application, a photograph, fingerprints and a background check. The online renewal process would allow an individual to apply for a permit renewal and submit the application and fee online. The new permit would be emailed to the applicant and the previous on-file photo would be emailed to the applicant and used on the permit. Background checks would be conducted each time a permit is issued, regardless of it being an initial application or a renewal. The permit fee of $35 and the 30-day expiration for the permits would remain unchanged. For more details, please see the memorandum from the Chief in the agenda packet above.
21 - Consider the approval of an architectural service contract with Architexas and a supplemental appropriation for the initial phase of planning for renovation and remodel of City Hall.... The renovation and remove of City Hall is scheduled to begin in FY 2023. I'm not 100% on board with this. I'm still reeling over the cost of the Annex which hasn't even been finished yet and we want to do this other renovation right now? I thought the whole idea of the Annex was to relieve congestion in City Hall. Staff is recommending approval of an architectural services contract with Architexas in the amount of $154,200. The scope of this contract will include:
- Evaluation of Existing Conditions
- Program Development
- Schematic Design
- Pricing and Project Budget
I guess we could authorize this contract so we have some sort of idea of what the City Hall remodel would cost. I would just need to make it clear that I have a lot of hesitation with going forward on such a major project at the moment.
22 - Convene into Executive Session for deliberation regarding real property and to discuss personnel matters for Municipal Court Judge/Associate Judge as permitted under Texas Government Code.
23 - Reconvene and take any necessary action
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
12:00 PM - Civil Service Commission Regular Meeting
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
5 - Waxahachie Fire Rescue: n/a
6 - Waxahachie Police:
a. Action Items
i. Consider approval for an entry Police written exam and physical ability test to be held on June 25, 2022
b. Items for Discussion (no action will be taken on discussion items)
i. Update the Commission on the status of recent disciplinary action
That's all for this meeting. It is open for you to attend in person, but will not be live-streamed.
Thursday, May 5, 2022
8:30 AM - Cemetery Board Regular Meeting
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
4 - Consider request by Jerry and Shirley Chapman to purchase lots adjacent to addition 2, Block 3, Lot 6
5 - Hear update on cemetery plot sales and services
6 - Hear update on cemetery vandalism
7 - Discuss footstone remnants and take action
This sounds like a pretty interesting Cemetery Board meeting and you are welcome to attend in person; however, the meeting will not be live-streamed.
3:00 PM - Park Board Regular Meeting
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
4 - Consider Seasonal Vendor Permit at Lake Waxahachie
5 - Discuss park events and activities
6 - Present Lions Park Master Plan and take action
7 - Hear update on park projects
Whenever a Master Plan is up for consideration by a board, that's definitely a great time to attend a meeting, if you haven't before. There's a lot of work that goes in to these master plans and it's important to hear the discussion that goes with them. You are welcome to attend this meeting, but it will not be live-streamed by the city.
4:30 PM - Keep Waxahachie Beautiful Committee
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
4 - Hear update on Keep Waxahachie Beautiful events
5 - Discuss Keep Waxahachie Beautiful Committee initiatives
6 - Discuss properties for PIN nomination and take action
This meeting is open to the public and you are welcome to attend. It will not be live-streamed at this time.
---- Saturday, May 7, 2022 ---- Election Day -----
*** Polls open from 7 am - 7 pm ***
Waxahachie Polling Locations
(although you may vote at ANY polling location in Ellis County)
Ellis County Womans Building (Main Room)
407 W. Jefferson St.
Farley Street Baptist Church (Gym)
1116 Brown St.
Marvin Elementary School (Cafeteria)
110 Brown Street
Park Meadows Baptist Church (Lobby)
3350 N. Highway 77
Thank you to everyone who has made it all the way down to the bottom of this newsletter. lol There was so much to cover, I hope I didn't forget anything!
Please, as always, reach out to me if you have any kudos, complaints or concerns! I'm here for you! Have a great evening and a wonderful week ahead!
Your Friendly Councilmember,
Melissa Olson, CMO
(text/call) 817-507-5162
council email: molson@waxahachie.com
** For anything campaign-related, please use this email: olsonfortexas@gmail.com **