Hello Friends!
There is so much coming up in the City of Waxahachie! The CVB has posted their 2021 Waxahachie Holiday Event Listings here: https://www.waxahachiecvb.com/p/events/waxahachie-holiday-event-listings-2021 I highly recommend going through and marking your calendars for those events that you don't want to miss. One of my favorites is the Christmas Parade and Community Tree Lighting, but there really are so many great events coming up!
We have several meetings this coming week, so let's get started. As always, please refer back to the city's calendar to see if there are new meetings added throughout the week (which rarely happens, but is possible.) https://www.waxahachie.com/calendar.php
Monday, November 8, 2021
8:30 AM - Firemen's Relief & Retirement Fund Regular Meeting
Waxahachie Fire Station No. 2
1601 Cleaver Street
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/147291/11.8.21_FR_R_Agenda_Packet.pdf
6 - Discuss and consider TEXPERS membership renewal
7 - Discuss and consider changes to TEXPERS Bylaws
11 - Discuss and consider investing with State Street Institutional Index Fund
There are several items on this agenda. You can see them in their entirety by clicking on the agenda packet link above. This is a public meeting and you are welcome to attend. This meeting will not be live-streamed.
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
3:00 PM - Waxahachie Community Development Corporation (WCDC) Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/147450/11-9-21_WCDC_Agenda_Packet.pdf
3 - Reorganize the Board
*** 5 - Consider request to allow for private Sanitary Sewer Easement within Waxahachie Sports Complex property. The attached contract states that the city would allow for this easement in exchange of $10 for the .45 acres of land for the easement. I don't know about you, but that seems crazy to me -- although I do concede there may be unusual circumstances which merit a transaction of this kind. I will be interested to hear how the request is presented. Also, it looks like the land owner who is requesting it has the same address as Citizens National Bank. The proposed contract is located in the agenda packet, linked above. That is all the information I have on this item at the moment. ***
8 - Consider award and supplemental appropriation for the synthetic turf improvements project phase 2. Transforming the ball fields to turf has significantly increased their usability and is bringing tournaments in to Waxahachie - which is great for our local businesses and hotels.
There are many interesting items on this agenda. You can see them all in the agenda packet linked above. This meeting is open to the public to attend in person, but will not be live-streamed.
4:00 PM - Mid-Way Regional Airport Board Regular Meeting
Upstairs Common Area of Mid-Way Regional Airport
131 Airport Dr., Midlothian, Texas
5 - Introduction of New Board Member, Jennifer Chelwick
6 - Discuss Future Development of the Airport
7 - Update on Phase 1 and 2 of the Security Fence Project
8 - Consider Moving forward with the Runway Rehabilitation Project
This is a public meeting and residents are welcome and encouraged to attend; however, it will not be live-streamed.
5:15 PM - Impact Fee Capital Improvements Advisory Committee Regular Meeting
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/147435/11-9-21_IFCIAC_Agenda_Packet.pdf
4 - Reorganize the Committee
6 - Presentation to discuss Impact Fee revenue and expenditures for the 2020-2021 fiscal year
This is a public meeting and you are welcome to attend. It will not, however, be live-streamed.
6:15 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Briefing
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
This briefing is being held to discuss items for the 7:00 PM regular P&Z meeting. It is open to the public to attend, but is not live-streamed at this time.
7:00 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/147438/11-09-2021_P_Z_Agenda_Packet.pdf
We have a long agenda this evening, so I'm only going to highlight a couple of cases that might be of interest.
*** 9 & 10 - The public hearing for ZDC-155-2021 (the Jackson Wynne Industrial Complex near Settler's Glen) will be continued to the Tuesday, 12/14/21 P&Z meeting at 7:00 PM. This means that the P&Z commission will not hear testimony nor make a decision on this case on Tuesday, 11/9, as we had previously thought. I know a lot of residents have been interested in this case, so if you can please help me spread the word about the continuance, I would really appreciate it. ***
*** 28 & 29 - Public hearing on a request by Quickway Signs for an Electronic Message Sign use located at 505 W. Marvin Ave, for the First United Methodist Church. Normally, sign hearings don't generate much opposition; however, due to the historic nature of this neighborhood, there has been an outpouring of opposition to this case. Staff is also recommending denial. You can read the letter from the Church's pastor in favor of this sign, as well as the reasons folks are recommending denial, in the agenda packet above. ***
to planned development -general retail, located East of Howard Junior High School, along Broadhead Road. Staff is recommending denial of this project. While the elevations that the applicant has presented are great, the layout of the entire project is really awkward, in my opinion. It would also take out most, if not all of the mature trees on that lot, and replace them with townhomes overlooking the Sports Complex trail. If they simply wanted to do the general retail piece there, and leave the rest of the lot wooded, that would be a lot more palatable, but as presented, it feels like they're just trying to cram too much into that space. Especially being adjacent to a middle school, I really don't think that this is a good plan at this time. I'm glad that staff is recommending denial (which is not something that I say very often at all).
Thursday, November 11, 2021
City Offices will be closed on Thursday, November 11th, in observance of Veterans Day. For non-emergency needs during this time, please call the Waxahachie Police Department at 469-309-4400. For emergencies, please dial 911.
Thank you - today and every day to our Veterans and their service to our country.
Saturday, November 13, 2021
10 AM - 11:30 AM: Ellis County Veterans Ceremony
Waxahachie Civic Center
While this is not a city-sponsored event, this patriotic musical program is a really moving tribute to our Veterans. All patriots are welcome, veterans and non-veterans.
For those who use Facebook, here is a link to the event: https://fb.me/e/2qzxD1u0u
I hope that you have a great rest of your weekend and a wonderful week ahead!!
Your Friendly Councilmember,
Melissa Olson, CMO
(text) 817-507-5162
Thanks for sharing. I would like to know what that private sanitary sewer easement is about, too.😲
ReplyDeleteAs always thanks for excellent recap!!