Sunday, November 3, 2019

Setting the Record Straight

Hi there, all!  This post is one that is painful to write, but I feel that it must be done.

It appears that the gloves are off and certain people in town are going (and already started) to attack  my character and performance on City Council.  I understand that not everyone feels the same as I do on issues, but in my book, that’s how we come out better. Different points of view during discussions should create a free-flowing exchange of ideas, not hatred. While serving on Council, I have asked many questions and sometimes disagreed with my peers, but that doesn’t mean I have any ill will toward anyone or wish harm on the city. I’m not even sure how one arrives at such a conclusion.  

I don't understand personal vendettas and tearing people down instead of building others up, but it appears that this is exactly what we should expect in the following weeks to months.  Am I scared about this?  No.  But, I am incredibly disheartened that some feel this is necessary.  I have children and don't want them negatively affected by my service on Council.  They have learned the importance of voting and serving others.  They've seen the excitement and passion that I've had for doing good in the community.  These are the rewards I'd hoped they would reap from this experience, as it truly is a family experience.  They've seen my heart break whenever untruths or flat out lies are told... and they have seen my tears from time to time.

I'm deeply troubled by all of this.  Never would I have expected this type of behavior in Waxahachie.  That is probably a bit naive on my part, but I didn't.  I don't think this way, so how could I have anticipated that someone would spew such hatred about others in our own community?

I come to the portion of this post where I ask a favor of you all.  Please reach out and talk with me if there's something that makes you say, "That doesn't sound like Melissa," or "Why would Melissa do something like that?"  I would appreciate the opportunity to set the record straight and explain a situation or at least confirm whether something is true or not before these things are taken as fact.  I appreciate those who have already done this. Integrity and honesty aren't just important to me, they are everything. Not knowing what will be said about me in the future, but feeling very certain that more misinformation will be circulated, I felt it was important to put this out there.  I've never liked politics and this is one reason why, but I have more important things to do than to use my time rebutting every misrepresentation that will be told about me. My priority isn't spent on trying to make everyone like me because some won't - and I respect that.  My priority is helping the good people of Waxahachie and it always will be.


  1. I have learned that sometimes people enjoy tearing down other people. That represents their character, not yours. Its taken me a long time to come to this conclusion as i have always tried to see the best in people. Hang in there and stand proud. I think it shows some very insecure people in this world. We need to work together to make things better, not tear each other down!

  2. Sorry you are having to endure hurting words and hatred from some of the Waxahachie folks. I've had a lot of it and have only been here 5 years. Stand tall, be proud of what you are doing and always remember the reasoning behind it which is to make everything better for everyone or to bring up issues that we all need to think about. I appreciate your service on the CC and hope you will be able to rise above it all and come out with the feeling of "I'm doing what I feel in my heart needs to be done for the city".

  3. I know it is hard to do, but please remember it is their problem and not a reflection on you. The majority of residents are not negative. People who like to tear others down to feel better about themselves probably peaked emotionally in high school. Keep your chin up and stay on the path you have set.

  4. I don't know what was said or done to you, and I don't really want to know. I have always appreciated the way you conduct yourself and let us know what was going on during CC meetings and the agenda beforehand. I've watched many of the live streams and I just wish all our CC members were as open, honest and caring about our city as you are. Keep up the good work!
