Friday, November 29, 2019

The Week of December 2nd - 6th, 2019 in the City of Waxahachie

Hello Neighbors!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! There’s so much to be thankful for. I’m so thankful to have this opportunity to serve you all in the community.  I'm also thankful to live in a city that has a wonderful downtown with lots of local business owners.  Please support them on Saturday, November 30th!  The Arcade has even posted a special program to help as well.

As far as city business goes, here is a link to the draft minutes of city meetings that have been held recently.

The only days this week that we have meetings posted so far are Monday and Wednesday.  You can check back on the city's calendar to see if more are posted.  That link is:

Monday, December 2, 2019
6:30 PM - City Council Briefing
Council Conference Room, City Hall


The briefing will not be live-streamed but residents are welcome and encouraged to attend!

7:00 PM - City Council Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall

Agenda Packet:

Some notable items include:

5d - Approving proposals for playground installation at Boat Dock Park, landscaping and irrigation at Spring Park, and Lions Park soccer field irrigation.  I've included pictures of the proposed playground equipment

13 - Consider proposed Resolution adopting a revised charter, as approved and amended by the voters at the election held on November 5, 2019 .   This item is on the agenda because it's the paperwork actually changing the city charter to the new way of electing councilmembers (creating places and elected via at large majority).  It's always a big deal for a city to change their charter because those are the basic governing rules for our city.  I consider this item routine because the matter has already been voted on by the people and the outcome determined.  This is just the paperwork to make it happen.  Thank you, again, to everyone who got out and voted for or against Proposition A.

14 - Consider proposed Resolution of votes cast to elect Directors for the Ellis Appraisal District for years 2020-2021.  Here is a link to the Ellis Appraisal District which discusses their positions more in detail.    This is done under Texas Property Tax Code 6.03.  Here's a link to that tax code and you can scroll to section 6.03.

16 - Consider land exchange with Loren Gray Investments, LLC - I'm interested to hear what will be presented regarding this item.  You can see the details given to me in the agenda packet under #16  It seems that Loren Gray Investments has a parcel of land they would like to exchange with the City for another parcel of land.  My thoughts are leaning toward no because while I see how this exchange could help that company, I don't see exactly how the exchange would benefit the city.  I hope to have more clarity at the meeting. 

This meeting is open to the public but will also be live-streamed at the following link:

Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Noon - Civil Service Commission Meeting
Council Conference Room, City Hall

Agenda Packet:

There is actually a lot going on during this meeting and I ask that if you're interested, please visit the agenda packet link above.  You will be able to see all the details at that time.

This meeting is not live-streamed.

We have so many exciting events coming up in Waxahachie.  It really is the most wonderful time of the year!  If you haven't gone to our annual parade and tree lighting, please take a moment to do that.  Is it crowded? Yes, but - it's literally one of the best small town events I've ever been to.  Event details are:

For a list of all the great upcoming events, please go to this link:

Stay warm and have a wonderful week ahead, Waxahachie!

Your Friendly Councilmember,

Melissa Olson
817.507.5162 (text)


Saturday, November 23, 2019

Thanksgiving Week 2019 in the City of Waxahachie

Hello Neighbors and Friends!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  WISD is out this whole week, so we can spend time with the kids (because we all know how quickly they grow up).

City Hall will be closed on Thursday for Thanksgiving and Friday, November 29th.

There are no posted meetings at this time, but you may always check the city's website calendar to see if any are added later.

I'm grateful to live in this amazing city with all of y'all who make our city what it is.


Your Friendly Councilmember,
Melissa Olson
817.507.5162 (text)

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Week of November 18th - 22nd, 2019 in the City of Waxahachie

Howdy Neighbors!!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far! 

There has been a lot of activity going on at the city, so I’ve uploaded the draft minutes of recent city meetings for your review.  They are a GREAT way to check into what has happened recently at the meetings and what’s going on in town. Here’s the link:

Here are the meetings for this upcoming week:
Monday, November 18, 2019
*** 6:00 PM : Council Work Session ***
Council Conference Room, City Hall
(Through the City Secretary’s office)

Items of interest are:
2. Hear Waxahachie Fire-Rescue Annual Report 2018-2019

*3. Discuss votes cast to elect Directors for the Ellis Appraisal District Board of Directors for years 2019 - 2020*
This only happens in odd-numbered years, as board members serve 2 year terms.  To learn more about the ECAD’s Board of Directors’ duties, etc., here is a link to their website:

This work session will NOT be live-streamed by the City.
6:15 PM - Council Briefing Session
Council Conference Room, City Hall
(Through the City Secretary’s office)

2. Conduct a briefing to discuss agenda items for the 7:00 PM regular Council meeting. 

This is a great, informal meeting to prepare for the main meeting and residents are encouraged to attend.  It will NOT be live-streamed by the City.

7:00 PM - City Council Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall

Agenda Packet:
Items of particular interest are:

7. Proclamation recognizing the 25th anniversary of The Dove’s Nest:  A big thank you and congratulations to Cindy and Andrew Burch, owners of The Dove’s Nest!

8. Proclamation proclaiming November 30, 2019 as “Small Business Saturday”.  - Please remember all of our local, small businesses when doing your holiday shopping this year, especially on “Small Business Saturday”, the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

9. Canvass and accept votes of City Council Special Election held on 11/5/19 (on changing how Council are elected). Out of 22,159 registered voters in the City of Waxahachie, 2,623 ballots were cast, resulting in 11.84% voter turnout. Thank you to each and every person who cast their vote.  The measure passed with 76.79 % FOR and 23.21% AGAINST. 

18-20 Regarding a new development off 287, by River Oaks subdivision called Cypress Creek Apartment Homes. This is a pretty large complex. It was approved by P&Z by 5-1 and staff is
recommending approval per a few comments.  One comment is about having a Developer’s Agreement in place, which if zoning passes, Council will approve in item 20. 

The meeting WILL be live-streamed by the city and you can go to this link during the meeting and afterward:

Tuesday, November 19, 2019
6:30 PM - P&Z Briefing
Council Conference Room, City Hall



7:00 PM - P&Z Meeting 
Council Chamber, City Hall

Agenda Packet:

The agenda packet link is above if you'd like to review it, but it should be a fairly short, routine meeting.  Nothing really stands out specifically to share.

This meeting WILL also be live-streamed by the city, which you can view via this link:

Wednesday, November 20, 2019
1:00 PM - Senior Center Advisory Committee
Senior Center - 122 Park Hills Drive, Waxahachie

Agenda Packet -

4. Welcome new board members and reorganize committee

6. Discuss financial report on Senior Center, Inc. for period ending October 30, 2019 and take any necessary action

7. Discuss financial report on STEM Garden for period ending October 30, 2019 and take any necessary action

8. Review upcoming special events and activities

This meeting will NOT be live-streamed, but the citizens are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Thursday & Friday, November 21st - 22nd, 2019
There are no meetings currently scheduled for these dates, but please check the City Calendar as items may be added during the week.

That's all for this week!  Have a wonderful week ahead, Waxahachie!

Your Friendly Councilmember,

Melissa Olson
817-507-5162 (text)

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Week of November 11th - 15th, 2019 in the City of Waxahachie

Hello Neighbors!

First of all, THANK YOU to all of our veterans.

The Veteran Appreciation Ceremony on Saturday was absolutely beautiful.  If you haven't attended this annual event before, I STRONGLY recommend doing so next year - and bring tissues.  It's for all veterans, their families and for anyone who appreciates them.

There is not a Council meeting this week, but we do have several others.

Monday, November 11, 2019
8:30 AM - FR&R Meeting
Fireman's Relief and Retirement Fund
Fire Station #2, 1600 Cleaver, Waxahachie

Agenda Packet:

This is a great meeting to attend, if for no other reason than to see how hard this board works to ensure that our firefighters are taken care of in retirement.

Per the above agenda, they will be discussing the pension review board funding policy and taking any necessary action.  They will also hear a presentation regarding investments and consider the TX Local Fire Fighters' Retirement Act Annual Report.

This meeting will NOT be live-streamed.
The public are welcome to attend.

*** Today is Veteran's Day, so please thank a Veteran for their service and remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. ***

Tuesday, November 12, 2019
6:15 PM - P&Z Commission Briefing

Agenda (which provides location) -

This meeting will NOT be live-streamed but is open to the public.

7:00 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall

Agenda Packet:

Mostly SUPs (Specific Use Permits) for solar panels and then two items of interest include:

Items # 14 & 15 on the agenda is generally located at the NW corner of Peters St. at Graham St.  This is an application by Jeff Crannell, CCM Engineering for property owners WISD.  The current zoning is for Multi-Family, but WISD wants to change it to small, single family homes and duplexes. Staff has recommended denial.

Items # 16 & 17 on the agenda is a request for a multi-family planned development located NW of Post Oak Drive at Hwy 287 (by the water tower and highway).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019
No meetings posted at this time, but please feel free to check the website to see if more are added:

Thursday, November 14, 2019
4:00 PM - Mid-Way Regional Airport
Red Odom Conference Room, Mid-Way Regional Airport

Agenda Packet (first time I'm posting the full packet, as the link will be to the airport's website,  not the city's):

Appears to be a pretty standard meeting.

This meeting will NOT be live-streamed but is open to the public

5:30 PM - Heritage Preservation Commission Meeting
Council Chambers, City Hall

Updated Agenda Packet:

Among the regular items on the agenda, they will be considering plans for 108 E Franklin St. (Not sure what that entails, but it's on the agenda).

Friday, November 15, 2019
None posted at this time.


Thank you to all those who reached out regarding my 'Setting the Record Straight' post.  I really, really appreciate your support.

Stay warm with that cool front coming in a day or two and have a wonderful week ahead, Waxahachie!

Your Friendly Councilmember,
Melissa Olson, CMO
817-507-5162 (text)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Setting the Record Straight

Hi there, all!  This post is one that is painful to write, but I feel that it must be done.

It appears that the gloves are off and certain people in town are going (and already started) to attack  my character and performance on City Council.  I understand that not everyone feels the same as I do on issues, but in my book, that’s how we come out better. Different points of view during discussions should create a free-flowing exchange of ideas, not hatred. While serving on Council, I have asked many questions and sometimes disagreed with my peers, but that doesn’t mean I have any ill will toward anyone or wish harm on the city. I’m not even sure how one arrives at such a conclusion.  

I don't understand personal vendettas and tearing people down instead of building others up, but it appears that this is exactly what we should expect in the following weeks to months.  Am I scared about this?  No.  But, I am incredibly disheartened that some feel this is necessary.  I have children and don't want them negatively affected by my service on Council.  They have learned the importance of voting and serving others.  They've seen the excitement and passion that I've had for doing good in the community.  These are the rewards I'd hoped they would reap from this experience, as it truly is a family experience.  They've seen my heart break whenever untruths or flat out lies are told... and they have seen my tears from time to time.

I'm deeply troubled by all of this.  Never would I have expected this type of behavior in Waxahachie.  That is probably a bit naive on my part, but I didn't.  I don't think this way, so how could I have anticipated that someone would spew such hatred about others in our own community?

I come to the portion of this post where I ask a favor of you all.  Please reach out and talk with me if there's something that makes you say, "That doesn't sound like Melissa," or "Why would Melissa do something like that?"  I would appreciate the opportunity to set the record straight and explain a situation or at least confirm whether something is true or not before these things are taken as fact.  I appreciate those who have already done this. Integrity and honesty aren't just important to me, they are everything. Not knowing what will be said about me in the future, but feeling very certain that more misinformation will be circulated, I felt it was important to put this out there.  I've never liked politics and this is one reason why, but I have more important things to do than to use my time rebutting every misrepresentation that will be told about me. My priority isn't spent on trying to make everyone like me because some won't - and I respect that.  My priority is helping the good people of Waxahachie and it always will be.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Week of November 4th - 8th, 2019 in the City of Waxahachie

Hello Neighbors! 

 Here is what we have scheduled so far for this week:

Monday, November 4, 2019
6:30 PM - City Council Briefing
Council Conference Room - City Hall

Agenda -

This meeting will NOT be live-streamed but it IS open to the public, so please feel free to come!
7:00 PM  - City Council Meeting
Council Chamber - City Hall

Agenda packet -

This is a really small agenda for this evening and I anticipate the meeting not taking very long at all.  The zoning cases that were set as public hearings, the first: Blue Bonnet Trails Phase 3, has been withdrawn completely.  The second: Symphony Estates, has been continued to the next Council Meeting which is on November 18th.

The only thing which is not routine, is a request for Council to approve disannexation of land by Todd Little.  Approximate address of 835 Interstate 35 Red Oak, TX 75154  I don't believe this has come across Council since I've been on there, so that will be interesting to hear.

Check out the agenda packet link above to see everything on the agenda in detail.

If you can't make it to the meeting, but would like to follow the meeting online, here is the link to watch it live:

Tuesday, November 5, 2019
    *** 7AM - 7 PM ***

While our state Constitutional Amendments and Waxahachie Proposition A early voting has been pretty dismal, I'm encouraged by the upturn in voter participation on Friday, November 1st!  Early voting is now OVER, however, and only 4.19% of Ellis County has voted!  For Waxahachie, I'm using the Elections office location numbers (since it's the only poll in Waxahachie) and only 1500-ish people have cast their vote on these issues!  We have over 35k population and only 1500 people have voted?  Come on, y'all. 

Confession... I used to not vote.  I thought it didn't matter whether or not if I voted.  Well it does!  In fact, I only won my Council position by 38 or 39 votes.  EVERY VOTE MATTERS. Here are the results from that election if you'd like to see how close it was:   Please try to get out on Tuesday and make your vote (and voice) be heard on how you want your Councilmembers elected (and Constitutional amendment #4 would allow a ban on state income tax if you vote FOR it).

Here is a link of Election Day voting centers!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Check back to see if any more meetings have been added to the City Calendar:

Thursday, November 7, 2019
3:00 PM - Park Board Meeting
Council Conference Room, City Hall

Agenda Packet:

Everything should be fairly routine, but number 5 deserves mentioning:

5) Discuss Park projects and lake park improvements and take any necessary action.

Even though I'm the Council liaison to this board, I will be gone to a seminar and will not be able to attend this meeting or the Keep Waxahachie Beautiful meeting later this afternoon.

4:30 PM - Keep Waxahachie Beautiful Committee Meeting
Council Conference Room, City Hall

Agenda Packet:

The only thing extraordinary about this meeting will be reorganizing the committee.  Other agenda items include discussion of: upcoming events and activities, projects and Project PIN.  Action may be taken on any of those items.

Neither the Park Board nor KWB Committee meetings will be live-streamed, but you are invited and encouraged to attend.  Each will have a section for public comments at the beginning.

Friday, November 8, 2019
Check back to see if any more meetings have been added to the City Calendar:

Saturday, November 9, 2019
*Ellis County Veterans Appreciation Ceremony*

10:00 AM - Waxahachie Civic Center
Come on out and honor our veterans!
Have a wonderful week ahead, Waxahachie and enjoy this beautiful day!

Your Friendly Councilmember,
Melissa Olson, CMO
(text) 817-507-5162