Hello Neighbors!
I hope everyone is enjoying the less-than-100-degree weather we are finally having. A little more fall-like temperatures would still be okay by me though! We have a very busy month in the City of Waxahachie with meetings and the TML (Texas Municipal League) Annual Conference. October 1st is also the beginning of our fiscal calendar at the City.
Let's start with our monthly calendar. I see that some other meetings are scheduled; however, they do not have agendas that are posted yet (and probably not even created at this time). The direct link to this calendar is: http://www.waxahachie.com/calendar.php
Monday, September 30, 2019
No meetings scheduled at this time.
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
1:00 PM - Economic Development Commission Meeting
Council Conference Room - City Hall
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/33420/10-1-19_Economic_Development_Agenda_Packet.pdf
The only real matter for discussion will be item #4 - Consider incentives for Showbiz Cinemas to construct an entertainment center at 108 Broadhead Road and take any necessary action. - As far as incentives go, I'm normally pretty tough on allowing them. Why? Because I've been wanting lower taxes for the people of Waxahachie and it seems wrong to give big businesses a break when not giving ANY to the residents. Be that as it may, it doesn't mean that I automatically won't approve any incentive. I have to listen to all the discussion and reasons that the incentives are being requested before approving.
This is a public meeting and you are welcome to attend. This meeting will not be live-streamed.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Noon - Civil Service Commission Meeting
Mayor's Office - City Hall
Agenda Packet - https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/33408/10-2-19_Civil_Service_Agenda_Packet.pdf
There are a couple of items that residents might find of interest, but I defer you to the agenda packet above. This is a public meeting and you have the right to attend, but they also reserve the right to go into executive session on any item, which they might due for personnel issues.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
8:30 AM - Cemetery Board Meeting
Council Conference Room - City Hall
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/33403/10-3-19_Cemetery_Board_Agenda_Packet.pdf
3) Reorganize the Board (due to Council appointments)
5) Consider donation of a sprinkler system for the Baby Land portion of the City Cemetery
6) Discuss headstone deposit and take any necessary action.
I can't really expand on any of the above items; however, these are the items on the agenda that may be of interest.
3:00 PM - Park Board Meeting
Council Conference Room - City Hall
Agenda packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/33404/10-3-19_Park_Board_Agenda_Packet.pdf
3) Reorganize the board (due to Council appointments)
The rest consists of standard meeting items such as discussing park activities & projects and taking any necessary action. I do not have details of whether or not we have any action items or if there are any activities or projects which may come up for discussion.
All meetings above are public meetings and citizens are more than welcome to attend. This meeting will not be live-streamed.
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Chat with the Chief
Waxahachie Police Department
Come out and chat with Waxahachie's Police Chief Wade Goolsby.
This is not a formal city meeting.
Another special announcement:
On Wednesday, October 2nd from 7:30AM - 9:30AM, there will be "Coffee with a Cop" at Mc. Donald's - 1207 N. Hwy 77, Waxahachie, TX 75165 This is just a great way to get to know our police department and for them to get to know you too!
Have a great weekend and wonderful week ahead, Waxahachie!
Melissa Olson, CMO
Waxahachie City Council
The opinions stated here are mine and do not represent any other person or the City of Waxahachie.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
40 Under 40 Award - 2019
The Waxahachie Daily Light hosted its 3rd annual "40 Under 40" award ceremony at Railport Brewing on Wednesday, September 25, 2019.
The Daily Light's own Robin Fox started everything off by singing "The Star-Spangled Banner". Food was provided by https://tacos4life.com/waxahachie/ . Colten Crist called each recipient up to receive their awards. Rebecca and Patrick took pictures and helped with the event as well.
Gatehouse Media may not be a local company, but the people who work for the WDL are local, and contribute to the community and gave this event a family feel to it. Thanks to Railport Brewing for hosting. Kids were playing games in the sideyard and some were inside with board games. The adults were eating, talking and laughing. It was just a really great experience.
I have to say that being a recipient of this award is really humbling. To be there with all these amazing people in our community was an honor and to actually be named as a winner... well, that was incredible. I'm truly grateful. It reminds me of the quote:
Sir Newton's quote comes to mind because there are so many in Waxahachie who give of their time and resources to help others. I was born in Fort Worth and while Fort Worth neighborhoods might have a more intimate feel to them, it pales in comparison to how Waxahachie is as a city. I know that we are growing and along with that come growing pains, but I don't want Waxahachie to ever lose that part of its charm. I think it is integral to who we are as a city.

Gatehouse Media may not be a local company, but the people who work for the WDL are local, and contribute to the community and gave this event a family feel to it. Thanks to Railport Brewing for hosting. Kids were playing games in the sideyard and some were inside with board games. The adults were eating, talking and laughing. It was just a really great experience.
I have to say that being a recipient of this award is really humbling. To be there with all these amazing people in our community was an honor and to actually be named as a winner... well, that was incredible. I'm truly grateful. It reminds me of the quote:
Sir Newton's quote comes to mind because there are so many in Waxahachie who give of their time and resources to help others. I was born in Fort Worth and while Fort Worth neighborhoods might have a more intimate feel to them, it pales in comparison to how Waxahachie is as a city. I know that we are growing and along with that come growing pains, but I don't want Waxahachie to ever lose that part of its charm. I think it is integral to who we are as a city.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Register to Vote by October 7th!
If you haven't registered to vote, there is still time, but not much! There are several Constitutional Amendments that will be voted on in November as well as a City of Waxahachie Charter Amendment!
I'd like to take a moment to first discuss the proposed City Charter amendment. If approved, this would be the first amendment to our City's charter. Here's how I see it:
1) I asked about having the position of the Mayor voted outright by the citizens and adding another Council position as part of this, but that request was denied. (Currently, residents select their councilmembers and then the Council elects the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem from among themselves.)
2) This amendment would create non-geographical places on the Council. People who would like to run, would then pick a place to run for and get their petitions signed for that place. I've asked that we be assigned places, if this goes through, and was told no. That we were not elected to places, even though the place number means nothing, so we will not be assigned places.
3) A person running for each place would have to get a 50% or more majority vote in order to win the election. In my opinion, this favors people that have money, because if nobody wins by a majority, then those candidates running for that place have to pursue a runoff. Currently, we run by a plurality system which means that whoever gets the most votes wins. As in almost all of our past elections, nobody has won with a 50% margin, so let's say people are wanting to get a particular candidate out of office, all they really have to do is saturate that place (have a bunch of people run for it) and you almost guarantee a run off will happen.
4) I am personally against this proposed amendment. I think it will create more divisiveness and tensions in the community and that's NOT something that we need. I think it works in favor of a good ol' boy system and I'm not for that.
5) The amendment was originally just going to be for places and that was okay, but changing to places WITH a majority system, just doesn't seem like a great idea to me.
If the measure does pass in November, it will be another 2 years before any charter amendments can be made. Our charter is a wonderful document, but it does need to have some revisions. It has served Waxahachie from its inception, but we have grown so much that we definitely need some changes. I would ask that this amendment not be passed at this time, but as part of a comprehensive charter change that would result from a group tasked with effort, who have a lot of public participation on the matter.
Here is a link to the ordinance, in case these pictures are illegible. Ordinance 3131 Calling Election for City Charter Amendment
1) I asked about having the position of the Mayor voted outright by the citizens and adding another Council position as part of this, but that request was denied. (Currently, residents select their councilmembers and then the Council elects the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem from among themselves.)
2) This amendment would create non-geographical places on the Council. People who would like to run, would then pick a place to run for and get their petitions signed for that place. I've asked that we be assigned places, if this goes through, and was told no. That we were not elected to places, even though the place number means nothing, so we will not be assigned places.
4) I am personally against this proposed amendment. I think it will create more divisiveness and tensions in the community and that's NOT something that we need. I think it works in favor of a good ol' boy system and I'm not for that.
If the measure does pass in November, it will be another 2 years before any charter amendments can be made. Our charter is a wonderful document, but it does need to have some revisions. It has served Waxahachie from its inception, but we have grown so much that we definitely need some changes. I would ask that this amendment not be passed at this time, but as part of a comprehensive charter change that would result from a group tasked with effort, who have a lot of public participation on the matter.
Here is a link to the ordinance, in case these pictures are illegible. Ordinance 3131 Calling Election for City Charter Amendment
Here is information on how to register to vote in Ellis County and how you can change your address on your voter registration online (if you moved within Ellis County!):Ellis County Voter Registration, Address Change and More!
This is an actual sample ballot for those who live in the City of Waxahachie, with the verbiage for the charter amendment as well as the proposed Constitutional amendments: Sample Ballot for: City of Waxahachie Charter Amendment and Texas State Constitutional Amendments November 2019
This link is to the Ellis County Elections website where you can see what YOUR particular ballot will look like even if it isn't in Waxahachie: Link to Sample Ballots for November 2019
On the Ellis County Elections website, they also have a link to a thorough explanation of each proposed state Constitutional Amendment. It is 27 pages, so it takes a bit of time, but should help one navigate the ballot verbiage.:Full text of Texas State Constitutional Amendments to be voted on November 5, 2019
This link is to the Ellis County Elections website where you can see what YOUR particular ballot will look like even if it isn't in Waxahachie: Link to Sample Ballots for November 2019
On the Ellis County Elections website, they also have a link to a thorough explanation of each proposed state Constitutional Amendment. It is 27 pages, so it takes a bit of time, but should help one navigate the ballot verbiage.:Full text of Texas State Constitutional Amendments to be voted on November 5, 2019
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The FY 2020 Budget Vote - Some Clarifications
I got the newspaper this morning and noticed on the front page of the Waxahachie Daily Light, there was a story called "'I feel like we have raised the bar': Waxahachie City Council approves proposed tax rate, budget". While I'm not debating whether or not the bar has been raised, the amount in which this new budget spends, has been raised from previous years.
I would like the opportunity to straighten out a few items. The article discusses our first responders and the antiquated infrastructure.
1) I was the only council member who openly fought to ADD to the Fire Department's budget (which we did get added). Not only that, but by cutting the tax rate, I would NOT have lowered the Fire Department or Police Department's budgets by even a penny.
2) Waxahachie has a lot of antiquated infrastructure, that's very true. There is a lot of money being spent on that as well. The majority of the capital improvement projects that were referenced in the article are being funded by bonds. Bonds that don’t require voter approval. Almost all streets are done with these bonds (aka - debt) and in addition, most of that antiquated infrastructure is included with those, along with upgrades to the Waste Water Treatment Plant.
3) I fully agree with the rest of Council that the updated infrastructure is necessary, but lowering the tax rate by trimming the general fund budget, wouldn't have impacted those items. We do, however, have to pay a debt service fund for all the debt we have accrued and that is primarily backed by our property taxes. So, the more debt that we have, the harder it is to lower a total tax rate.
4) If you hear that I'm anti-police, anti-fire department, anti-this, anti-that.... please just get in touch with me and you'll see that I'm not. I have a great deal of respect for our first responders and the City of Waxahachie. I also have a great deal of respect for the residents of Waxahachie and when I see an opportunity to save them money, I think it's the right thing to do and that is why I voted against the FY 2020 budget and tax rate.
5) Was I against the entire budget? Of course not! But there were items on there that I just couldn't go along with because I felt too strongly that it was wasteful or could've been funded in an alternative way. The budget is predicated on a specific tax rate. At the direction of Council (except for myself), it was based on a 0.68 tax rate. I would like to see the budget predicated on the effective tax rate for that year and start there. That makes the most sense to me for how one would arrive at a reasonable tax rate, take the residents' concerns into account AND make sure that we have what we need to sustain our current quality of life.
I hope that this clears up any misconceptions that folks might have about me. I am not anti-everything by any means. There just are some things that I can't go along with because it just doesn't feel right in my core. I made a promise to myself and to voters that I would only get involved in politics (which I begrudgingly admit this is), if I can stay true to myself. I don't like the fact that it ruffles feathers, but I have to be able to live with my decisions at the end of the day. I hope that folks will understand where I'm coming from and if there's any misunderstandings or anything feels 'off', just ask me. I'm an open book and happy to talk with folks about why I've voted a certain way.
I hope everyone has a great week ahead! Hopefully the beginning of fall will bring with it some cooler temperatures!
Take care,
I would like the opportunity to straighten out a few items. The article discusses our first responders and the antiquated infrastructure.
1) I was the only council member who openly fought to ADD to the Fire Department's budget (which we did get added). Not only that, but by cutting the tax rate, I would NOT have lowered the Fire Department or Police Department's budgets by even a penny.
2) Waxahachie has a lot of antiquated infrastructure, that's very true. There is a lot of money being spent on that as well. The majority of the capital improvement projects that were referenced in the article are being funded by bonds. Bonds that don’t require voter approval. Almost all streets are done with these bonds (aka - debt) and in addition, most of that antiquated infrastructure is included with those, along with upgrades to the Waste Water Treatment Plant.
3) I fully agree with the rest of Council that the updated infrastructure is necessary, but lowering the tax rate by trimming the general fund budget, wouldn't have impacted those items. We do, however, have to pay a debt service fund for all the debt we have accrued and that is primarily backed by our property taxes. So, the more debt that we have, the harder it is to lower a total tax rate.
4) If you hear that I'm anti-police, anti-fire department, anti-this, anti-that.... please just get in touch with me and you'll see that I'm not. I have a great deal of respect for our first responders and the City of Waxahachie. I also have a great deal of respect for the residents of Waxahachie and when I see an opportunity to save them money, I think it's the right thing to do and that is why I voted against the FY 2020 budget and tax rate.
5) Was I against the entire budget? Of course not! But there were items on there that I just couldn't go along with because I felt too strongly that it was wasteful or could've been funded in an alternative way. The budget is predicated on a specific tax rate. At the direction of Council (except for myself), it was based on a 0.68 tax rate. I would like to see the budget predicated on the effective tax rate for that year and start there. That makes the most sense to me for how one would arrive at a reasonable tax rate, take the residents' concerns into account AND make sure that we have what we need to sustain our current quality of life.
I hope that this clears up any misconceptions that folks might have about me. I am not anti-everything by any means. There just are some things that I can't go along with because it just doesn't feel right in my core. I made a promise to myself and to voters that I would only get involved in politics (which I begrudgingly admit this is), if I can stay true to myself. I don't like the fact that it ruffles feathers, but I have to be able to live with my decisions at the end of the day. I hope that folks will understand where I'm coming from and if there's any misunderstandings or anything feels 'off', just ask me. I'm an open book and happy to talk with folks about why I've voted a certain way.
I hope everyone has a great week ahead! Hopefully the beginning of fall will bring with it some cooler temperatures!
Take care,
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Week of September 23rd - 27th, 2019 in the City of Waxahachie
Happy Fall, Y'all!!!
I've been waiting to say that phrase for a while now! The weather gets cooler (at least it isn't in the 100's anymore right?!); the leaves are turning those beautiful colors (anyone want to rake my cypress leaves? Just kidding!); and, the kids are back in school. I AM that annoying person who loves fall way too much...
Moving on...
There is only one meeting (plus a briefing) scheduled so far for this week! The City, in an effort to constantly grow and be better, is doing some very interesting things with our city website. One of those things that is nearly there (although there are still a few bugs here and there) is the City Calendar. It is great to be able to see all the meetings happening at a glace. You can click on each item and get the agenda packet from there as well. It's going to be great, but please be patient while it is in progress. Here is a link to it: City Calendar
Again, as you can see, this week's calendar is a bit sparse, as far as meetings go, but that's okay! Not only that, the P&Z meeting SHOULD be a short one! If you've ever wanted to come to a meeting, this is a great one to attend.
Monday - September 23, 2019
Fall 2019 Begins today!!!
No meetings scheduled at this time, but you can check back here to see if any more are posted: http://www.waxahachie.com/calendar.php
Tuesday - September 24, 2019
6:30 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Briefing
City Council Conference Room - City Hall
401 S. Rogers St, Waxahachie
Agenda: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/33299/PZAgenda20190924B.pdf
The public is welcome and encouraged to come to the briefing session. The Conference Room is located through the City Secretary's office. The briefings are NOT live-streamed at this time.
7:00 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
Council Chamber - City Hall
401 S. Rogers St., Waxahachie
Agenda Packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/33300/9-24-19_P_Z_Agenda_Packet.pdf
There are really only 3 cases being heard at this meeting and they are all pretty basic. This would be a great meeting if you've never been to one.
1) Replat request: RP-19-0110, staff is recommending approval
2) Public Hearing: SU-19-0112, Request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) by Mark Thedford for an 1800 sq ft Accessory Building located at 3100 Brown St. (Property ID 138230) - Owner: Ladd Vien
The applicant is requesting approve to construct 1800 sq. ft. addition to an existing 1800 sq. ft. addition out of wood and metal to match the existing structure and to be used for storage of such items as roof shingles and hay. Staff has noticed construction has been started before the permit has been issued and is recommending denial for multiple reasons. (Please refer to the Agenda Packet link above - # 6 & 7.
3) Continue Public Hearing: SU-19-0098, Request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) by Kevin Cribley for Outside Storage use within a commercial and light industrial-1 zoning district, located at 100 W Sterrett (Property ID 273754) - Owner: M & M Investments
Staff is recommending denial on this case because at the time of this report (09/19/2019), the applicant had not submitted any revisions to staff to address staff concerns. Due to insufficient information and the disregarding of the requirements of the SUP and Certificate of Occupancy, staff recommends denial for the proposed use. (This is all stated in the agenda packet)
The public is welcome to attend this meeting, although it will be live-streamed and can be viewed by going to this link Link to: City Meeting Live Stream and then clicking "Watch Live".
There are no more meetings posted for this week; however, that doesn't mean there's nothing going on in Waxahachie. Our Waxahachie CVB has a great website for things that are happening! Check out all of these events! Link to: Waxahachie CVB Events
That's it for today! Have a fun and peaceful weekend with your family and friends and have a great week ahead, Waxahachie!
Your Friendly Councilmember,
Melissa Olson
817-507-5162 (please text)
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Summary of 9/16/19 Council Meeting
Good Morning, Friends!
Item 31: General Fund Budget: Approved 4-1 (I voted against) - I do agree with Council that there are are some great things in this FY 2020 budget, but I feel there is a lot of fat to trim. In addition, this budget is predicated upon a 0.68/ $100 valuation, so it was a no for this. This doesn't mean that I don't appreciate staff's time and dedication to creating a budget. There's a lot of work involved and I appreciate all that they do. I just couldn't approve of the budget itself.
Item 33: Ordinance Increasing Water & Wastewater fees: Approve 4-1 (I voted against). There are many reasons including having an excess in the account (I am 99% sure of this, but you can check it yourself through last year's budget and financial statements online) and how expensive it already is. My family moved back to Texas (and our lovely city of Waxahachie) from the desert of New Mexico, and here's the kicker - we pay MORE for water here than we did in the desert. That just doesn't seem right to me at all.
Items 32, 34, 35: Multiple Budgets - Approved 5-0
Item 36: Ordinance to Approve a Senior Citizen Discount for Solid Waste / Water Bill - Approved 5-0: Residents 65+ can show proof of age to water billing folks. It's approximately $2/month
Item 37: Ordinance Approving the 0.68 tax rate for fiscal year 2019-2020. Approved 4-1 (I voted against) I get that going down to 0.65 isn't a drastic change but it IS something. There was plenty of room in the budget for this reduction and we wouldn't have to cut any first responders. I hesitate to say it wouldn't cut services as well though, because it depends what people think of when it comes to that. Basically, you wouldn't see any change except for more money in your bank account. This is why I voted no. You can see the analysis I did in the graphs. It has a cumulative effect and people are paying way too much for taxes here. Not only that, but conservatively, 90-95% of my constituents wanted a reduction in the tax rate. I cannot ignore what people want. I pledged to give the folks a voice in City Hall and I feel I'm honoring that promise.
There was a lot that happened at our meeting last night but I’m attempting to keep this brief. I’d like to give you the run down and why I voted the way I did. Also, there were some VERY good things that happened in this meeting like how we approved an inter local agreement with Cedar Hill for mental support for first responders. I LOVE this! So please don’t think this is all negative.
Also, for reference, here is a link to the agenda packet, which has all the details of each item: 9/16/19 City Council Agenda Packet
Item 22: Mr. Thedford’s case at Garden Valley Pkwy and Brown: Denied - While Mr. Thedford will most likely try to get his engineer letters about draining and bring this case back, it has been denied for now. This is just a poor place to put the development he wants to build for many reasons, but I’m keeping this “short” remember? So I’ll move on.
Item 8: Approved 4-1 (I voted against) - This was an ordinance to pass 31.5 MILLION dollars of Certificates of Obligation. Much of this amount was for infrastructure and items that need to be done for the WWTP (waste water treatment plant). Even though I’m not a fan of CO bonds (this is YOUR debt the city is incurring without YOUR consent and primarily backed by property taxes), I would’ve voted FOR the infrastructure monies because I know we need them. I voted against because of the items I felt were extraneous and could’ve been done using different funds instead of incurring debt. If the public voted FOR the $31.5 million, then I would’ve voted for it as well. I just couldn’t get behind that method of funding for some of the projects.
Item 31: General Fund Budget: Approved 4-1 (I voted against) - I do agree with Council that there are are some great things in this FY 2020 budget, but I feel there is a lot of fat to trim. In addition, this budget is predicated upon a 0.68/ $100 valuation, so it was a no for this. This doesn't mean that I don't appreciate staff's time and dedication to creating a budget. There's a lot of work involved and I appreciate all that they do. I just couldn't approve of the budget itself.
Item 33: Ordinance Increasing Water & Wastewater fees: Approve 4-1 (I voted against). There are many reasons including having an excess in the account (I am 99% sure of this, but you can check it yourself through last year's budget and financial statements online) and how expensive it already is. My family moved back to Texas (and our lovely city of Waxahachie) from the desert of New Mexico, and here's the kicker - we pay MORE for water here than we did in the desert. That just doesn't seem right to me at all.
Items 32, 34, 35: Multiple Budgets - Approved 5-0
Item 36: Ordinance to Approve a Senior Citizen Discount for Solid Waste / Water Bill - Approved 5-0: Residents 65+ can show proof of age to water billing folks. It's approximately $2/month
Item 44: Consider Board Appointments: Approved 5-0. I haven't mentioned anything about this as of yet, but I feel that I need to at least get it down for my own record (although I won't include EVERY tiny detail). I feel, and in fact it is written in our city's charter, that the Council has a say in who is appointed to boards. Not the Mayor nor the City Manager appoint are to appoint, but the Council as a whole.
That's not what happened this year. I didn't even have any input on the appointments to the 5 boards I am the liaison to before the meeting. We were presented with a slate and one councilmember made a change at the meeting, but otherwise, that was it. I didn't even see the applications we had for people to serve on boards. Let me clarify that I, without any hesitation, GREATLY appreciate all of our board members. Just like Council, they serve without pay and they give their time to the city. We have so many wonderful, knowledgeable people on our boards as well! It's been nice getting to know everyone a bit more and how each has a particular niche that they excel in (or multiple as is the case most times.) This is why I could justify voting to approve the slate.
I just don't like the PROCEDURE for how this is currently being done. I really feel that it should be a more open process and because we have so many people who WANT to get involved, that there should probably be a maximum of 1 person to a board and that the terms should probably be enforced. That way, it gives others a chance to get involved and share their ideas too. At a minimum, I feel strongly that it should be done in a way so that we are in line with our charter. Again, I'm not upset with the people who were on the slate, or who currently serve on our boards at all... I just think it's time to let others in.
Well, it turns out that this wasn't short at all. I did intend it to be. Here is the link to the video and you can watch the almost 3 hour long meeting (not including the hour long briefing before the meeting) to see for yourself what happened. Video of the 9/16/19 City Council Meeting
My last comment here is that although I don't always vote in line with the Council there is no denying the time and effort each member of our Council puts in. I believe in giving credit where it is due and genuinely thank them for their time and effort.
Okay... LAST last comment! THANK YOU to everyone who came out and participated in the meeting last night! Most people were there for zoning cases, but some spoke about the budget and tax rate and I appreciate every one of you!
Have a GREAT rest of your week, Waxahachie!
Your Friendly Councilmember,
Melissa Olson
Sunday, September 15, 2019
The Week of September 16th - 20th, 2019 in the City of Waxahachie
Hello Neighbors!
We have probably
meeting of the year happening this week. In fact, it’s the only one
posted to the website at this time, and this week’s newsletter is STILL long.
Monday, September
16, 2019
6:00 PM -
City Council Briefing
Council Conference
City Hall
This is a briefing
to prepare for the 7:00 pm meeting and IS open to the public. These
briefings often have great dialogue amongst Council and staff and I invite
everyone to try coming to a briefing at least once to see what they’re
like. It’s a much less formal setting than the main meeting.
The briefings are
NOT live-streamed.
**** 7:00 PM - City
Council Meeting
Council Chamber,
City Hall ****
Agenda packet: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/document-uploads-001/uploads/video/agenda_file/32360/9-16-19_City_Council_Agenda_Packet.pdf
I highly encourage
everyone to click the link above and look through the agenda packet.
There is a LOT that will be going on in this meeting and I will be touching on
just a few points.
***** #4 - This
agenda item is your best friend! I have circled all the items on the
agenda that the public can speak on, in green. That means that if any of
the other items (the budget, tax rate, Certificate of Obligation bonds
issuance, etc.) are NOT circled in green, you may NOT speak during that time
unless the Mayor asks (which has not been the city’s procedure thus far).
So, those who plan to go to the council meeting Monday night, please
look through this information ahead of time so you are prepared and know when
you can/cannot speak. ******
I really appreciate
when people take the time to come to meetings and speak on whatever topic is of
concern / or tell us what we’ve done right - and now public comments are at the
beginning of the agenda again! As your elected representative, it helps me help
you when residents speak for/against whatever is most important to you!

# 18 - Public
Hearing (you may speak during) - Regarding the former First Baptist Church. I’m
not sure what Mr. Acker intends to build on this site.
#22 & 23:
ZC-19-0089 (now called PD-19-0089) is a zoning case called Fountain Court,
regarding an area near the intersection of Garden Valley Parkway and Brown
St. There have been many interested in this case.
Staff Recommends-
Approval as presented. You may speak during this item but not Mr.
Thedford’s next case.
# 24 : PP-19-0090
is Mr. Thedford’s companion case and this item is one you may NOT speak
during. Staff is recommending Approval, per one condition (providing
legal documentation that Mr. Thedford can gain access through the Indian Hills
subdivision walk.)
# 31 - (If you want
to address this item, please speak during PUBLIC COMMENTS at the beginning of
the meeting.) This one is approving the new budget for FY 2020 as well as
accepting figures for FY 2019.
# 31-34 : There are
several different budgets that are being considered for Approval now. Any of
them you’d like to speak on must be addressed during the Public Comments
#35 : Approving
appropriations out of several accounts
Approving SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT: for residents age 65 or older, for a $2.10
discount on their monthly waste bill. (Every little bit counts!) The resident
must show a valid photo ID that states their date of birth.
******# 37 Consider
approving the proposed tax rate for fiscal year 2019-2020 at 0.68/$100
I have proposed a
0.65 rate, but do not have council support for that rate at this time.
The city can go down to 0.629 and bring in the same revenue from the same property
taxes as last year. That’s called the effective rate. (This is a very
condensed version of how it works.) If you wish to speak on this item, you must
do it during the PUBLIC COMMENTS section at the beginning of the meeting.
# 39 - 43: Awarding
bids for contracts (details in the agenda packet link above). Some of these
items, albeit good items, I might vote no on, and (since I have no voice) would
like the chance to say why.
In addition to
raising the amount of taxes some (many) have had to pay (those who had
appraisals go up but the tax rate has stayed the same and are under the tax
freeze age), some of these items (#40, 42, and 43) are funded by certificates
of obligation like we have in #8, which is debt the city takes on without voter
approval. I would like us to pursue other revenue streams than the people
paying more taxes while still incurring more debt. Here is more information
about COs (https://www.texaspolicy.com/what-are-certificates-of-obligation-who-is-using-them/)
There are so many
items on this agenda that are of high importance Monday night that I really
encourage you to read through the agenda packet if possible. (The link to it is
earlier in the post.) It is a long packet, but it has way more information than
I can share in a small space.
If you want a say
in what happens around your community, then the best opportunity is to reach
out to the Council (our emails are here: http://www.waxahachie.com/government/city_council/index.php)
and/or come speak at this Council meeting Monday night (most likely during
Public Comments). There is only ONE meeting like this per year.
The public hearings are over and things are getting approved/denied Monday
Tuesday, September
17, 2019
The city has
changed up the website again, so you should be able to go to this link to check
when new meetings are added. This is different from links I’ve used before: http://www.waxahachie.com/calendar.php
The other way to
check for new meetings on the updated website is to go to this link and just
look through each board. http://www.waxahachie.com/government/city_council/city_council_meeting_live_stream.php
Thank you for
hanging in there for this relatively short burst of information. There’s
a lot involved and it does affect each of us. For those who want to come
speak, please, don’t be scared. I just ask everyone is respectful of others’
opinions and remember that whether we agree or not, we are all neighbors. ❤️
Have a wonderful
weekend and week ahead, Waxahachie! I look forward to meeting you Monday
Your Friendly
Melissa Olson, CMO
(C) 817-507-5162
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