Sunday, October 2, 2022

The Week of October 3, 2022 in the City of Waxahachie

Hello Friends!
    I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying this fall-like weather!  I sure am!  Took its time to get here, didn't it? lol  There aren't very many city meetings scheduled for this upcoming week, but the ones that are have some pretty important matters and I'll just touch on those few.  Please refer back to the city's website to see if any other meetings are added to the calendar after this newsletter goes out.  The site is:
Monday, October 3, 2022
10:00 AM - Economic Development Commission Meeting
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
2 - Public Comments
3 - Reorganize the Board
4 - Approve minutes of their last meeting, which was February 9, 2021
5 - Consider tax abatement incentives for Cardinal IG (Insulated Glass) for a proposed expansion at their current facility.  I'm not a huge fan of incentives when the Council refuses to go down on the tax burden for residents; however, I have NO IDEA what the terms are nor do I remember what happened at the last EDC meeting (the minutes they are approving in #4) because there is no supporting documentation online with the agenda.  I hope this is simply an oversight, or to get the agenda posted ASAP to meet Texas Open Meetings Act laws and supporting documentation will be added later.
The picture I used in the beginning is from Waxahachie's website:
For more on Waxahachie's website regarding incentives, please go to:
For still further information on these, you can visit the Texas Comptroller's website here: 

Citizens Welcome to Attend?: Yes
Meeting Live-Streamed: No
6:30 PM - City Council Briefing Session
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
This briefing session is being held for Council and staff to discuss items for the 7:00 PM regular Council meeting. 
Citizens Welcome to Attend?: Yes
Meeting Live-Streamed: No
7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.

4 - Public Comments

5 - Consent Agenda: Lots of items in there including minutes from the last meeting and briefing session, so I encourage you to look through them.

6 - Introduce Honorary Councilmember:  This was a cool thing that Council did before COVID and it's good to see it back and running again!  Council members would be assigned meetings when they would be responsible for selecting someone, usually from WISD, to come to the Council meeting, get their own agenda packet and sit up at the dais with the Council.  It is a great program and a way to highlight some of the outstanding younger folks in our community.

9 -  Consider proposed Ordinance amending the "Animal Care Advisory Committee" and appointing members.  The memo in the packet says they are wanting to have an additional citizen member, namely Ms. Cherie Batsel. The more citizen involvement in city committees is a good thing in my book!

11 -  Consider price increase for concrete services with G.A.W. Construction Services.  If I understand the situation correctly, because Waxahachie has an interlocal agreement with Midlothian and because Midlothian recently approved an increase to THEIR contract with G.A.W. Construction Services due to inflation, Waxahachie has to approve revised contract pricing; otherwise, Waxahachie needs to discontinue further work with GAW and go out for bids to find another concrete contractor.  This company is currently used for various projects throughout the city and the staff "...recommends approval as it is in-line with current market pricing."  I know that prices everywhere have gone up, but this would definitely be one I'd like to see go back out for bid to see if the city is getting the best price for the quality of work.

16 & 17 - Convene into Executive Session to review Performance Evaluation for City Manager as permitted by Section 551.074 Texas Government Code.  Reconvene and take any necessary action.  This is something that is done every year and the Council typically decides whether to approve terms of the contract or to make any changes.  

Citizens Welcome to Attend?: Yes
Meeting Live-Streamed: Yes at the following link:
That's it for this week!  Have a great one, everybody!!

Your Friendly Neighbor,

Melissa Olson
(text) 817-507-5162

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