Sunday, April 10, 2022

The Week of April 11th - 15th, 2022 in the City of Waxahachie

Hello Friends!
    Thank you to everyone who participated in Saturday's Dumpster Day!  I've heard it was a great success!  The Keep Waxahachie Beautiful board usually does this once or twice per year and we almost always fill up a few dumpsters! KWB does also have a Facebook page, if you'd like to follow it, where you can get all their news about clean up days, Dumpster Days and more!  The link to that is:
    At this time, we have a groundbreaking ceremony for Fire Station 4 slated for Tuesday afternoon.  The weather is NOT our friend right now, but I haven't heard of any changes for the time/date.  I'm sure the city will post on their official Facebook page if there is a change to this.  I hope all who can are able to come!  This fire station will help serve our community for many, many years to come!  
Also, per the city's website, city offices will be closed on Good Friday in observance of the Easter holiday.  Here is also a list of the city's holidays per the website. 
    There is a lot of dirt turning in Waxahachie right now!  If you have questions about what is going in at these different locations, please make use of this AMAZING tool the city has put together.  When you click on whichever property you have questions about, you can see what the zoning is and what, if any, ordinances are applicable to that zoning.  This comes in especially handy when there are PDs (Planned Developments) going in places, which we have a lot of, and these documents usually have conceptual drawings and everything.  Please bookmark/save/add it to the home screen on your phone, so you can refer back to this site whenever you need it.  It is invaluable!    
    We have quite a few meetings for this upcoming week, so let's jump in!

Monday, April 11, 2022
8:30 AM - Waxahachie FR&R - Firemen's Relief and Retirement Fund Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
Waxahachie Fire Station No. 1
407 Water Street

5 - Review and consider the September 30, 2021 audit.
7 - Discuss and consider revising the Investment Policy
8 - Discuss and consider changes to the Plan Document
This is a public meeting and residents are welcome to attend.  This meeting will not be live-streamed.  
** For the record, I am a huge proponent of live-streaming, but I have been pushing for all meetings located in City Hall to be live-streamed since before being elected in May 2018.  The technology is already installed in the Council Chamber.  I strongly urge all City Hall meetings to be held in the Council Chamber, even though I personally like having briefings and other non-Council meetings in the conference room, the importance of having the meetings available for public viewing outweighs that in my opinion. **
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
6:30 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Briefing Session
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.

This briefing session is being held to discuss items for the 7:00 PM regular P&Z meeting.  Residents are absolutely welcome to attend, but this briefing is not currently live-streamed.
7:00 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.

5 - Consider request by Timco for a Plat of Timco Addition, for 1 lot, being 17.746 acres located near 197 Ovilla Road.  This is basically just an expansion of the company's existing logistics campus.  A Specific Use Permit (SUP) was recently approved for the expansion of the logistics campus under case number ZDC-49-2021 and Ordinance 3274.  The proposed lot will be accessible from both Ovilla Road and US Highway 287 Business.  Staff is recommending approval per comments.

6 & 7 - Public Hearing on a request by Angela Hunt, for a zoning change to Amend Ordinance No. 2302 for the Villages of Mustang Creek to increase the maximum lot coverage from 35% to 50%.  This development is located at Northeast and East of the intersection of Dartmoor Drive and Highway 287. It is currently undeveloped land.  On April 18, 2005, City Council approved Ordinance 2302 for the Villages of Mustang Creek. The developer would like to propose a larger footprint for the first floor of houses, which would allow them to be able to provide a greater variety of larger square footage homes.  This request matches a PD amendment (ordinance 3252 - ) that was approved in 2021.  An amendment to the entire Villages of Mustang Creek PD was not pursued in 2021 due to the fact that portions of the property included in the PD are owned by separate entities.  Staff is recommending approval as presented.

That's all for this P&Z meeting!  Those are all the cases on the agenda this time, versus highlighting some of interest.  The P&Z meeting will be live-streamed through the following link:

Wednesday, April 13, 2022
None at this time.

Thursday, April 14, 2022
4:00 PM - Mid-Way Regional Joint Airport Board Regular Meeting
Upstairs Common Area of Mid-Way Regional Airport
131 Airport Dr., Midlothian, Texas

5 - Update on Don Jackson Hangar Project
6 - Consider Tenant's Request to Obtain Permission to have a Fundraiser for Angel Flight South Central
7 - Consider Conflict of Interest Statements for Airport Board Members
8 - Consider the Preliminary FY 2023 Airport Budget
9 - Consider Airport Rates and Charges for 2022-2023 

This meeting is open to the public, should you wish to attend.  It will not be live-streamed.  Also, for more information about our airport, please visit:
Also, please mark your calendars for the upcoming pancake fly-in.  Join us at Mid-Way Regional
Airport on June 4 from 8am – 11am for the Pancake Breakfast Fly-In/Drive-In!
It’s a unique and great event for the whole family with something fun for everyone.
5:30 PM - Heritage Preservation Commission Regular Meeting
Council Chamber / Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.

4 - Consider Certificate of Appropriateness for 901 W. Marvin

5 - Consider Certificate of Appropriateness for 211 S. College

6 - Consult with owners of 115 Virginia about railing replacement

7 - Consider approval of renewal HT tax exemption applications

8 - Consider previously tabled HT tax exemption applications

This meeting is open to the public, but is not live-streamed at this time. ** For more information about heritage preservation in the City of Waxahachie, including useful documents, please visit:

    I also want to share with everyone a resource that is NOT city-related, but does affect all of us and that is a link to the WISD's Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) site.  I am serving on this committee and there have been two meetings (not sure why they are not public meetings) and the slideshows presented to the committee can be found in this link: I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE everyone to keep up with these meetings.  They ask us to get feedback from the public as well.  In the most recent meeting, the slides you can review show some PROPOSED uses and shifting of schools.  As most of us know, the main high school is already getting crowded (don't get me started on that), so they are brainstorming ways to remedy this situation.  
It is my understanding that these first two meetings were "pre-meetings" and that things will "really get going in the fall".  Even though there are not any more LRPC meetings scheduled until September, I want y'all to be aware that this exists and is happening and give you time to review the information that has been presented so far so you can digest it and provide feedback.  As a committee member, I'm more than open to receiving your feedback and can report back to the committee when we regroup again. 
It is also my understanding that this LRPC group will be charged with making a recommendation to the school board on how best to use our facilities and funds.  This will end with a bond package that is presented to the public for voting, most likely in May 2023, as the facilitator mentioned that a "Yes group" (guessing that is the "vote yes" group that is associated with bonds) will get most active in April of next year.  The main facilitator also mentioned the legalities of how our Superintendent will "go on tour" with information about the way the facilities will be used, but how he CANNOT advocate for the bond, as that would be against the law.

So, please check out that website and the two sets of slides that have been presented thus far.  It's definitely important to be informed about these things and you guys know how I'm about transparency, so that's why I'm putting this out there.
Hope your eyes aren't blurry now after that lengthy newsletter, but there was a lot to cover this time.  I hope everyone enjoys the rest of your windy weekend and has a a wonderful week ahead!

Your Friendly Councilmember,

Melissa Olson, CMO
(text) 817-507-5162 (City business only) (Campaign or other business)

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