While there will be some important meetings coming up regarding the budget and tax rate, there are currently no city meetings for next week!
- Please mark your calendars for July 7th starting at 8:30 AM at the Civic Center for our first budget workshop. It should be open to the public (although usually no public comments at this particular one), but is a great way if you're able to make it, to see the process and learn more about the upcoming budget.
- Public budget and tax rate hearings will be happening in the upcoming weeks and notices for those will be published in the Waxahachie Sun so keep an eye out. I will also let y'all know when they are near as well.
- Governor Abbott has issued new executive orders as of 6/26/20 and they are outlined here: http://www.waxahachie.com/news_detail_T6_R171.php
- Please check back on the City's website to see if meetings have been added for next week: http://www.waxahachie.com/calendar.php
- Primary election runoffs begin this coming week. All the information including safety protocols, voting locations and sample ballots can be found here: http://www.co.ellis.tx.us/629/Upcoming-Elections
- Special thanks to Ms. Borders and to Manjul (our GIS expert) for putting together a map of our Hachie Hearts! I've seen so many out walking and biking around the community and finding these might be a fun family thing to do while you're out! https://waxgis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapTour/index.html?appid=dea312dfbc2a44b3a41513b06355be3c&fbclid=IwAR2c8IO87ppV0kmwSzs71O0G0kVkmZEzi95kPpHHGI51vr9HWiEc4KtlgMs#
23rd Annual Crape Myrtle Festival and Parade Cancelled
Due to concerns relating to COVID-19 and the community’s safety, the decision has been made to cancel the 23rd Annual Crape Myrtle Festival & Parade originally scheduled for July 3-4, 2020.
The City of Waxahachie is currently under the Executive Orders of Governor Abbott, and with those restrictions, it would be difficult to stay within the recommended protocols that would help keep our community safe and healthy. “As hard as it is to make the decision, it’s important to make a decision based on smart, not based on our heart,” said Bonney Ramsey, Chairperson of the Crape Myrtle Festival.
In the years past, it has been a parade tradition to honor veterans in Ellis County and put the focus on them by making our local heroes the parade marshals.
Since the community will not be able to join together for a parade this year, organizers are encouraging the community to assist in a virtual salute to all veterans and all active service personnel by using the hashtag #hachieveterans on Facebook and Instagram to post photos.
For more information, please call the Waxahachie Convention & Visitors Bureau at 469-309-4040.
I think this is just about everything that I can think of for now, but as always, please reach out with any questions, comments or concerns. I provide my contact information below.
Please have a wonderful week ahead and a safe 4th of July!
Your Friendly Councilmember,
Melissa Olson
(text) 817-507-5162