The opinions stated here are mine and do not represent any other person or the City of Waxahachie.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
The Week of March 2nd - 6th, 2020 in the City of Waxahachie
Hello Neighbors!!!
Wow, what a difference a couple days make. I hope that everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather!
Here are the DRAFT board minutes from the last couple weeks of meetings, if you'd like to review:
We have a few meetings this coming week, so let's jump right in!
Monday, March 2, 2020
***6:00 PM - Council Work Session ***
Council Conference Room, City Hall
This meeting is being held to hear a presentation of the City Hall Annex concept from Architexas. I don't know if this will be the same presentation given to the Heritage Preservation Commission, but it should at least be similar. Here is a write-up about it in the Waxahachie Sun Newspaper:
This meeting is open to the public. You can find the conference room by going through the City Secretary's office and turning right. This meeting will NOT be live-streamed by the City; however, residents have the right to record/stream the meeting.
6:30 PM - Council Briefing Session
Council Conference Room, City Hall
This is simply a briefing to discuss agenda items for the 7:00 PM regular meeting.
Again, this meeting is open to the public, but will NOT be live-streamed by the City.
7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
Agenda Packet:
This will most likely be a pretty short meeting as there are just a few items on the agenda. A couple of them are worth noting though.
5a - Civil Service Commission Appointment (made by the City Manager) - Reverend Samuel Baker
7 - Consider City of Waxahachie Annual Financial Report for year ended September 30, 2019.
9 - Consider amendment to Mid-Way Regional Airport Rules and Regulations & Minimum Standards and Requirements
10 - Consider bid award for South Downtown Parking: This parking will mostly be for the Amphitheater, but can be used for the hike and bike trail or other downtown events as well. I'm excited to have extra parking, but feel that the funding mechanism should be different. I'll inquire about the funding at the meeting (or briefing). It is being proposed from the General Fund (mostly property taxes) vs a specific funding source (mostly sales tax / or TIRZ funds).
This will be live-streamed via the City and can be accessed through this link, once the meeting begins:
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
No City meetings today, but it is PRIMARY ELECTION DAY!
If you'd like to see a sample ballot for where you live, please go here:
If you'd like to know where to vote, you can go to any voting location from 7a - 7p:
To see the unofficial results go to:
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
12:00 PM (Noon) - Civil Service Commission Regular Meeting
Mayor's Office, City Hall
Agenda Packet:
The only item on the agenda, besides approving the 2/5/20 minutes, is #5. Election of Chair to replace Curtis Williams (who moved/is moving outside of city limits) and Election of Vice Chair if necessary.
This meeting will NOT be live-streamed by the City, but residents are welcome to come.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
5:30 PM - Heritage Preservation Commission Meeting
Council Chambers/Conference Room, City Hall
Agenda Packet:
4 - Consider Certificate of Appropriateness for 200 S. Rogers Street
7 - Consider previously tabled HT tax exemption applications
This meeting will NOT be live-streamed by the City, but residents are welcome and encouraged to be present.
Friday, March 6, 2020
There are no meetings scheduled for today, as of Saturday, 02/29/20, but please check the city's calendar to see if any meetings have been added.
That's all for now! Poston Gardens is open as of today! Please check out their website and learn more about what a great cause this beautiful place supports. There's even a special price on tulips when you look through their website!
Have a wonderful week ahead, Waxahachie!
Your Friendly Councilmember,
Melissa Olson
817-507-5162 (text)
Sunday, February 23, 2020
The Week of February 24th - 28th, 2020 in the City of Waxahachie

For those who didn't get downtown this weekend, I wanted to share a couple of pictures from the amphitheater. Those musical play instruments can be heard by the shops downtown. The kids (and I, lol) loved them.
As far as meetings for this week, TUESDAY is the only day that we have them! To see if other meetings have been posted, please check back here:
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
5:30 PM - IFCIAC- Impact Fee Capital Improvements Advisory Committee Meeting
Council Conference Room, City Hall
Agenda Packet:
This is the inaugural meeting for the IFCIAC, so one of the first things it will do will be re-organizing the committee.
After approving the minutes from the previous two meetings, there will be a presentation on the update of the impact program, to include; general overview of impact fees, review of the capital improvements program and growth rates for the development of land use assumptions. the CIAC will provide comments to growth rates for the development of land use assumptions.
This sounds like a pretty interesting meeting and if you're able to go, I absolutely would. It will not be live-streamed by the city.
6:45 PM - P&Z Commission Briefing
Council Conference Room, City Hall
They will discuss the 2 items on the 7 PM agenda.
This is an open meeting and the public is welcome to come. It will not be live-streamed by the city.
7:00 PM - P&Z Commission Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
Agenda Packet:
Both cases are replats, the second of which is in the ETJ. Staff is recommending approval of both. I think this meeting might set a record for the fastest P&Z meeting, so if you plan to attend, you might want to make sure you get there right on time. 😊
This meeting will be live-streamed by the city and can be accessed here:
I hope everyone is enjoying this weekend and staying warm. Poston Gardens is ramping up for it's 2nd season and I can't wait for it to open!
Have a wonderful week ahead, Waxahachie!
Your Friendly Councilmember,
Melissa Olson
817-507-5162 (text)
Friday, February 21, 2020
One of the Hardest Things about Campaigning
One of the hardest things about campaigning is asking for donations. While I have used my campaign funds very frugally (probably too much so), I do need to make a request for donations at this time. Every bit helps. I don't plan on asking again throughout the rest of the campaign, but I do need to ask now. There are signs and advertising that still need to be bought. I've tried to make it very convenient by having a PayPal account online that can accept donations at any time via this link:
A big THANK YOU to everyone who has already donated to my campaign and/or supported in other ways (blockwalking, signs in yards, sharing posts). It is extremely humbling to have so many good people at my side.
With your help, we will win in May!
A big THANK YOU to everyone who has already donated to my campaign and/or supported in other ways (blockwalking, signs in yards, sharing posts). It is extremely humbling to have so many good people at my side.
With your help, we will win in May!
Saturday, February 15, 2020
The Week of February 17th - 21st, 2020 in the City of Waxahachie
Hello Neighbors!
I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful (albeit windy) weekend! We have had several meetings recently and I've scanned in the draft minutes of those meetings for your review. Of particular interest are the following draft minutes: Heritage Preservation Commission, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1, Keep Waxahachie Beautiful (has dates for upcoming events) and Planning & Zoning Commission meetings. Pretty much all the minutes were very interesting, but that's just me. lol
Here are the meetings for this week!
Monday, February 17, 2020
6:30 PM - City Council Briefing
Council Conference Room, City Hall
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss agenda items for the 7:00 PM regular meeting. It is open to the public to attend, but will not be live-streamed by the City.
7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
Agenda Packet:
*** One special note ***
There was a particularly contentious P&Z meeting held last Tuesday regarding some apartments at Bessie Coleman and Hwy 77. That case was DENIED at P&Z and the applicant chose not to take the case to Council. Those who want to oppose the case do NOT need to be present at the Council meeting because it is not even on the agenda. I always welcome folks and encourage participation at Council meetings, but at the same time, don't want you to waste your time since it is not on the agenda. That apartment case is considered DENIED at this time. A big THANK YOU to everyone who went to the P&Z Meeting and respectfully let your wishes surrounding that project be known. That was a great example of public participation.
This should be a fairly short meeting.
A couple items of interest include:
5e - Consider TIRZ recommended projects. These include $138,484 for repairs to 421 S. College St., the historic Freight Depot and $25,000 for the faulty parking lot at Glenn's Carpet.
5f - A request for 2020 Junk in the Trunk dates: 04/18, 06/20, 09/19, 11/21
12 & 13 - Public hearing for a Mc Donald's on the SW corner of FM 66 and I-35E
14 & 15 - Changing the name of the Impact Fee Advisory Board to IFCIAC - Impact Fee Capital Improvements Advisory Committee and appointing 3 ad hoc members to that board.
This meeting will be live-streamed by the City at this link: , but as always, the residents are welcome and encouraged to attend the meetings in person.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
There are no meetings currently scheduled at this time, but please check the City's calendar to see if any new meetings are posted.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
1:00 PM - Senior Center Advisory Committee
Senior Center, 122 Park Hills Dr., Waxahachie
Agenda Packet:
The main focus of this meeting will be discussing financial reports on Senior Center, Inc and the STEM Garden for the period ending January 31, 2020. The committee will also hear an update on Senior Center membership and services.
This meeting is open to the public, but will not be live-streamed by the City.
There are no more meetings scheduled for the week at this time.
*** On a personal note, I'd like to ask that if you've enjoyed my weekly digital newsletter, service to the community and would like to see me re-elected, please mark down May 2nd on your calendars to cast your vote for me in Place 3. Also, I'd be very appreciative if you would be willing to provide an endorsement statement. You can fill it in online at this link: ***
I've really enjoyed serving the residents of Waxahachie these past two years and hope to have the opportunity to serve for two more years!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a wonderful week ahead, Waxahachie!
Your Friendly Councilmember,
Melissa Olson
817-507-5162 (text)
I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful (albeit windy) weekend! We have had several meetings recently and I've scanned in the draft minutes of those meetings for your review. Of particular interest are the following draft minutes: Heritage Preservation Commission, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1, Keep Waxahachie Beautiful (has dates for upcoming events) and Planning & Zoning Commission meetings. Pretty much all the minutes were very interesting, but that's just me. lol
Here are the meetings for this week!
Monday, February 17, 2020
6:30 PM - City Council Briefing
Council Conference Room, City Hall
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss agenda items for the 7:00 PM regular meeting. It is open to the public to attend, but will not be live-streamed by the City.
7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
Agenda Packet:
*** One special note ***
There was a particularly contentious P&Z meeting held last Tuesday regarding some apartments at Bessie Coleman and Hwy 77. That case was DENIED at P&Z and the applicant chose not to take the case to Council. Those who want to oppose the case do NOT need to be present at the Council meeting because it is not even on the agenda. I always welcome folks and encourage participation at Council meetings, but at the same time, don't want you to waste your time since it is not on the agenda. That apartment case is considered DENIED at this time. A big THANK YOU to everyone who went to the P&Z Meeting and respectfully let your wishes surrounding that project be known. That was a great example of public participation.
This should be a fairly short meeting.
A couple items of interest include:
5e - Consider TIRZ recommended projects. These include $138,484 for repairs to 421 S. College St., the historic Freight Depot and $25,000 for the faulty parking lot at Glenn's Carpet.
5f - A request for 2020 Junk in the Trunk dates: 04/18, 06/20, 09/19, 11/21
12 & 13 - Public hearing for a Mc Donald's on the SW corner of FM 66 and I-35E
14 & 15 - Changing the name of the Impact Fee Advisory Board to IFCIAC - Impact Fee Capital Improvements Advisory Committee and appointing 3 ad hoc members to that board.
This meeting will be live-streamed by the City at this link: , but as always, the residents are welcome and encouraged to attend the meetings in person.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
There are no meetings currently scheduled at this time, but please check the City's calendar to see if any new meetings are posted.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
1:00 PM - Senior Center Advisory Committee
Senior Center, 122 Park Hills Dr., Waxahachie
Agenda Packet:
The main focus of this meeting will be discussing financial reports on Senior Center, Inc and the STEM Garden for the period ending January 31, 2020. The committee will also hear an update on Senior Center membership and services.
This meeting is open to the public, but will not be live-streamed by the City.
There are no more meetings scheduled for the week at this time.
*** On a personal note, I'd like to ask that if you've enjoyed my weekly digital newsletter, service to the community and would like to see me re-elected, please mark down May 2nd on your calendars to cast your vote for me in Place 3. Also, I'd be very appreciative if you would be willing to provide an endorsement statement. You can fill it in online at this link: ***
I've really enjoyed serving the residents of Waxahachie these past two years and hope to have the opportunity to serve for two more years!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a wonderful week ahead, Waxahachie!
Your Friendly Councilmember,
Melissa Olson
817-507-5162 (text)
Saturday, February 8, 2020
The Week of February 10th - 14th, 2020 in the City of Waxahachie
Hello Neighbors!
We have a busy week of meetings ahead which include some items you'll want to know about, so let's jump in!
Monday, February 10, 2020
8:30 AM - Fireman's Relief & Retirement Fund Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
Fire Station No. 1, 407 Water St.
Agenda Packet:
4. Discuss Statement of Investment Policy amendments and take any necessary action
5. Discuss Financial Consultant search and take any necessary action
This meeting will not be live-streamed; however, it is open to the public.
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
6:00 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Work Session
Council Conference Room, City Hall
The purpose of this work session is to discuss potential changes to the make up of the Impact Fee Advisory Committee, which was discussed at the Council work session last week. The short of it, involves appointing the P&Z Commission to that board, along with a few added positions.
This meeting will not be live-streamed by the City, but it is open to the public.
6:15 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Briefing
Council Conference Room, City Hall
This informal meeting is to discuss items for the 7:00 PM Regular Meeting. It will also not be live-streamed by the City, but I highly encourage anyone able to attend, to do so, because there is often a lot of back and forth discussion regarding the meeting agenda items.
7:00 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
Agenda Packet:
14 & 15 - Public hearing for a specific use permit (SUP) for a Mc Donald's Restaurant/Drive Thru at FM 66 and Interstate 35E
***16 & 17 - Highly contested case for Zoning Change from Planned Development Commercial to Planned Development Multi-Family 2, located at the SE corner of Bessie Coleman at Highway 77. The proposed use is a 275 unit apartment complex consisting of 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. While staff does have some concerns and has certain stipulations, which you can view in the above agenda packet, staff is currently recommending approval UNLESS, the applicant doesn't receive approval from Texas Power & Light Electric company by February 11th to create a landscape buffer within the easement, adjacent to Country Meadows Phase 1.
I have a great deal of concern about this property creating more traffic flow on 77, especially in an area that has a high amount of congestion. ***
This meeting will be live-streamed by the City and can be accessed at the following link:
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
12:00 PM - Animal Care Advisory Committee Regular Meeting
Training Room, Waxahachie Police Department
630 Farley St., Waxahachie
Agenda Packet:
5. Discuss renovation of Building 1 and take any necessary action. (I'm not sure what exactly this refers to.)
** 6. Discuss operating hours to assist citizen's needs and take any necessary action. ** I love that the City is discussing the needs of the residents and this is a fantastic thing to have your input on, for anyone who can make it. You can address this in the Public Comments at the beginning of the meeting!
8. Discuss upcoming event "Cops 4 Kids" and take any necessary action.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
4:00 PM - MidWay Regional Airport Joint Board Regular Meeting
Rex Odom Conference Room, MidWay Regional Airport
6. Consider Revised Airport Minimum Standards and Requirements
7. Consider Revised Airport Rules and Regulations
8. Discuss Recent Community Outreach to Our Military Visitors
5:30 PM - Heritage Preservation Commission Regular Meeting
Council Chambers / Council Conference Room, City Hall
Agenda Packet:
There will be many items covered this evening, but among the most important is item 7.
**** 7. Review preliminary plans for new city hall annex ****
This meeting will not be live-streamed by the City, but it is an open meeting and as such the public is encouraged to attend.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Happy Valentine's Day!
Today is also the LAST DAY FOR APPLICATIONS to be on the CITY COUNCIL BALLOT for the May 2020 election. To see all who have applied to be on the Council ballot, you may go to this link on the City's website: It should be updated by 5:00 PM every day. THANK YOU to our City Secretary's office for doing this for the residents!
As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions. Some of the best changes that we've been able to make are due to the great ideas of our residents!
Have a wonderful week ahead, Waxahachie!
Your Friendly Councilmember,
Melissa Olson
817-507-5162 (text)
We have a busy week of meetings ahead which include some items you'll want to know about, so let's jump in!
Monday, February 10, 2020
8:30 AM - Fireman's Relief & Retirement Fund Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
Fire Station No. 1, 407 Water St.
Agenda Packet:
4. Discuss Statement of Investment Policy amendments and take any necessary action
5. Discuss Financial Consultant search and take any necessary action
This meeting will not be live-streamed; however, it is open to the public.
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
6:00 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Work Session
Council Conference Room, City Hall
The purpose of this work session is to discuss potential changes to the make up of the Impact Fee Advisory Committee, which was discussed at the Council work session last week. The short of it, involves appointing the P&Z Commission to that board, along with a few added positions.
This meeting will not be live-streamed by the City, but it is open to the public.
6:15 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Briefing
Council Conference Room, City Hall
This informal meeting is to discuss items for the 7:00 PM Regular Meeting. It will also not be live-streamed by the City, but I highly encourage anyone able to attend, to do so, because there is often a lot of back and forth discussion regarding the meeting agenda items.
7:00 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
Agenda Packet:
14 & 15 - Public hearing for a specific use permit (SUP) for a Mc Donald's Restaurant/Drive Thru at FM 66 and Interstate 35E
***16 & 17 - Highly contested case for Zoning Change from Planned Development Commercial to Planned Development Multi-Family 2, located at the SE corner of Bessie Coleman at Highway 77. The proposed use is a 275 unit apartment complex consisting of 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. While staff does have some concerns and has certain stipulations, which you can view in the above agenda packet, staff is currently recommending approval UNLESS, the applicant doesn't receive approval from Texas Power & Light Electric company by February 11th to create a landscape buffer within the easement, adjacent to Country Meadows Phase 1.
I have a great deal of concern about this property creating more traffic flow on 77, especially in an area that has a high amount of congestion. ***
This meeting will be live-streamed by the City and can be accessed at the following link:
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
12:00 PM - Animal Care Advisory Committee Regular Meeting
Training Room, Waxahachie Police Department
630 Farley St., Waxahachie
Agenda Packet:
5. Discuss renovation of Building 1 and take any necessary action. (I'm not sure what exactly this refers to.)
** 6. Discuss operating hours to assist citizen's needs and take any necessary action. ** I love that the City is discussing the needs of the residents and this is a fantastic thing to have your input on, for anyone who can make it. You can address this in the Public Comments at the beginning of the meeting!
8. Discuss upcoming event "Cops 4 Kids" and take any necessary action.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
4:00 PM - MidWay Regional Airport Joint Board Regular Meeting
Rex Odom Conference Room, MidWay Regional Airport
6. Consider Revised Airport Minimum Standards and Requirements
7. Consider Revised Airport Rules and Regulations
8. Discuss Recent Community Outreach to Our Military Visitors
5:30 PM - Heritage Preservation Commission Regular Meeting
Council Chambers / Council Conference Room, City Hall
Agenda Packet:
There will be many items covered this evening, but among the most important is item 7.
**** 7. Review preliminary plans for new city hall annex ****
This meeting will not be live-streamed by the City, but it is an open meeting and as such the public is encouraged to attend.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Happy Valentine's Day!
Today is also the LAST DAY FOR APPLICATIONS to be on the CITY COUNCIL BALLOT for the May 2020 election. To see all who have applied to be on the Council ballot, you may go to this link on the City's website: It should be updated by 5:00 PM every day. THANK YOU to our City Secretary's office for doing this for the residents!
As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions. Some of the best changes that we've been able to make are due to the great ideas of our residents!
Have a wonderful week ahead, Waxahachie!
Your Friendly Councilmember,
Melissa Olson
817-507-5162 (text)
Saturday, February 1, 2020
The Week of February 3rd - 7th, 2020 in the City of Waxahachie
Hello Neighbors!
Please look into the information below for the TIRZ meeting on Wednesday!!
Monday, February 3, 2020
6:15 PM - City Council Work Session
Council Conference Room, City Hall
This public meeting will be to discuss appointing the P&Z Commission, plus three additional Ad Hoc Members, as the City's Impact Fee Capital Improvements Advisory Committee.
Without more information, I'm not sure whether this is a new board or not, but I'm suspecting it is. We currently have an Investment Advisory Committee and an Impact Fee Advisory Committee, but not one Impact Fee Capital Improvements Advisory Committee. Also, we normally make appointments in August/September, so appointing folks now, lends to my belief that this may be a new board. If you're interested, please come to the meeting. It will not be live-streamed by the City.
6:30 PM - City Council Briefing
Council Conference Room, City Hall
This public meeting is simply to conduct a briefing to discuss agenda items for the 7:00 PM regular Council meeting. It is a great way to get details and hear brief discussion between staff and Council in a more informal setting. It will not be live-streamed by the City
7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
Agenda Packet:
Various items of note include:
5c - Approval of Supplemental Appropriation for Administration - City Council Election. According to the memo, the original budget for our May 2020 Election was $8,000 and $10,200 was used for the Charter Election. Now, the estimated cost of contracting the May 2nd election with Ellis County is $7000 and that is the amount that is being requested from the General fund at this time.
7 - Hear presentation on "Shop with a Cop" - This should be a fun presentation about how our police department is forming bonds within the community.
8 - Employee Recognition for earning professional licenses - I think it's great when our staff improve their skills and we have a moment to recognize them for their hard work.
14 & 15 - Consider action plan or action to require the substandard structure located at 712 Givens St. to be secured, repaired, removed, and/or demolished.
18 - Consider proposed Ordinance ordering the election to be held for the purpose of election At-Large Council Member Places 1,2, & 3 and contracting with Ellis County Elections for their services.
19 - Discussion related to potential revision to the Sub Division Ordinance platting process. We recently made changes to our platting process which allows P&Z final authority on some plats. We also just had a replat which had over 35 protests, but was still approved by P&Z. This does not mean that if the replat had gone to Council, it would've been denied, but Council is usually able to take things into account that the P&Z commission cannot. I requested this item to be on the agenda so we could discuss our procedure in greater detail to make sure we want to continue with these recent changes or not.
The City Council meeting will be streamed at this link:
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
There are no meetings scheduled at this time, but please check back on the city's calendar to see if more have been added:
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
12:00 PM - Civil Service Commission Meeting
Mayor's Office, City Hall
The only action item on this agenda is for the Waxahachie Police Department. To Certify entry Police Officer Exam Eligibility List created by written examination taken on February 1, 2020.
This is a public meeting, but will not be live-streamed by the city.
3:00 PM - Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No 1 (TIRZ) Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
Agenda Packet:
This is a really interesting meeting because there are two requests for help from the TIRZ funds.
4 - Consider funding for the Historical Freight Depot located at 421 S. College St., who is, according to the Secretary of State, owned by DAJP Holdings (Dusty Autry and Jim Phillips). They are requesting TIRZ funds in the amount of $138,484. As a member of the Board of Directors of the TIRZ, I'm sure Mr. Autry will or already has filled out a form to recuse himself from voting.
5 - Consider funding to repair Glenn's Carpet property located at 301 N. College St. - There are no details given regarding this request.
This is a public meeting and therefore residents are welcome and encouraged to attend. The city will not live-stream this meeting.
Thursday, February, 6, 2020
4:30 PM - Keep Waxahachie Beautiful Committee Regular Meeting
Council Conference Room, City Hall
Agenda Packet:
This is a fairly standard meeting, except for the discussion on promotional items for the Garden Expo.
Residents are welcome to attend this public meeting. It is often very interesting when going over what is happening around the community. It will not be live-streamed by the city.
Friday, February 7, 2020
There are no meetings scheduled at this time, but please check back on the city's calendar to see if more have been added:
I hope that everyone enjoys their weekend and has a wonderful week ahead!
Your Friendly Councilmember,
Melissa Olson
817-507-5162 (text)
Please look into the information below for the TIRZ meeting on Wednesday!!
Monday, February 3, 2020
6:15 PM - City Council Work Session
Council Conference Room, City Hall
This public meeting will be to discuss appointing the P&Z Commission, plus three additional Ad Hoc Members, as the City's Impact Fee Capital Improvements Advisory Committee.
Without more information, I'm not sure whether this is a new board or not, but I'm suspecting it is. We currently have an Investment Advisory Committee and an Impact Fee Advisory Committee, but not one Impact Fee Capital Improvements Advisory Committee. Also, we normally make appointments in August/September, so appointing folks now, lends to my belief that this may be a new board. If you're interested, please come to the meeting. It will not be live-streamed by the City.
6:30 PM - City Council Briefing
Council Conference Room, City Hall
This public meeting is simply to conduct a briefing to discuss agenda items for the 7:00 PM regular Council meeting. It is a great way to get details and hear brief discussion between staff and Council in a more informal setting. It will not be live-streamed by the City
7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
Agenda Packet:
Various items of note include:
5c - Approval of Supplemental Appropriation for Administration - City Council Election. According to the memo, the original budget for our May 2020 Election was $8,000 and $10,200 was used for the Charter Election. Now, the estimated cost of contracting the May 2nd election with Ellis County is $7000 and that is the amount that is being requested from the General fund at this time.
7 - Hear presentation on "Shop with a Cop" - This should be a fun presentation about how our police department is forming bonds within the community.
8 - Employee Recognition for earning professional licenses - I think it's great when our staff improve their skills and we have a moment to recognize them for their hard work.
14 & 15 - Consider action plan or action to require the substandard structure located at 712 Givens St. to be secured, repaired, removed, and/or demolished.
18 - Consider proposed Ordinance ordering the election to be held for the purpose of election At-Large Council Member Places 1,2, & 3 and contracting with Ellis County Elections for their services.
19 - Discussion related to potential revision to the Sub Division Ordinance platting process. We recently made changes to our platting process which allows P&Z final authority on some plats. We also just had a replat which had over 35 protests, but was still approved by P&Z. This does not mean that if the replat had gone to Council, it would've been denied, but Council is usually able to take things into account that the P&Z commission cannot. I requested this item to be on the agenda so we could discuss our procedure in greater detail to make sure we want to continue with these recent changes or not.
The City Council meeting will be streamed at this link:
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
There are no meetings scheduled at this time, but please check back on the city's calendar to see if more have been added:
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
12:00 PM - Civil Service Commission Meeting
Mayor's Office, City Hall
The only action item on this agenda is for the Waxahachie Police Department. To Certify entry Police Officer Exam Eligibility List created by written examination taken on February 1, 2020.
This is a public meeting, but will not be live-streamed by the city.
3:00 PM - Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No 1 (TIRZ) Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
Agenda Packet:
This is a really interesting meeting because there are two requests for help from the TIRZ funds.
4 - Consider funding for the Historical Freight Depot located at 421 S. College St., who is, according to the Secretary of State, owned by DAJP Holdings (Dusty Autry and Jim Phillips). They are requesting TIRZ funds in the amount of $138,484. As a member of the Board of Directors of the TIRZ, I'm sure Mr. Autry will or already has filled out a form to recuse himself from voting.
5 - Consider funding to repair Glenn's Carpet property located at 301 N. College St. - There are no details given regarding this request.
This is a public meeting and therefore residents are welcome and encouraged to attend. The city will not live-stream this meeting.
Thursday, February, 6, 2020
4:30 PM - Keep Waxahachie Beautiful Committee Regular Meeting
Council Conference Room, City Hall
Agenda Packet:
This is a fairly standard meeting, except for the discussion on promotional items for the Garden Expo.
Residents are welcome to attend this public meeting. It is often very interesting when going over what is happening around the community. It will not be live-streamed by the city.
Friday, February 7, 2020
There are no meetings scheduled at this time, but please check back on the city's calendar to see if more have been added:
I hope that everyone enjoys their weekend and has a wonderful week ahead!
Your Friendly Councilmember,
Melissa Olson
817-507-5162 (text)
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