Sunday, December 11, 2022

The Week of December 12, 2022 in the City of Waxahachie


Hey Y'all!

   ** UPDATED: You can see the details below, but there was an error on WISD's website which showed an LRPC meeting taking place tomorrow, Monday, 12/12/22, but I have been told this was just an error and is being corrected on their end as well. **

    Because there are a couple of monumental meetings this week, I'm going to try and skim over some of the other meetings that I'd normally give details on; however, I will (as always) link you to the information provided by the city for said meetings.

    Here is the city's calendar, so you can check back and see if any new meetings are added after this newsletter goes out.

Monday, December 12, 2022
5:45 PM - WISD Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
WISD Administration Building
411 N. Gibson St.

Agenda Packet (They call it a Board Book):

    First thing I'd like to point out is that I put 5:45 as the time the meeting starts because the public information officers for the district stated the procedure for residents to speak at the meeting: "There is a form to fill out (on a table just outside the board room) and it must be filled out by 5:45 p.m. and turned in to me. [Jenny Bridges] That's it -- super easy!" 

    School Board Trustees routinely start their meeting at 5:00 PM, but immediately convene into "Closed Session" where they can discuss private matters like meeting with their attorney.  No public is allowed in at that time.

    Another distinction I would like to make is this: WISD ≠ City of Waxahachie.  They are two entirely separate entities, each one setting their own tax rate. WISD is comprised of a larger geographic area than the city as well.  Some who live outside Waxahachie city limits are still within the boundaries of WISD.  The WISD is also the largest part of your tax bill.* 
            *Side note about the WISD being the largest part of the tax bill.  This is just a fact.  What I don't condone however, are city council members (I'm not pointing to anyone in particular) using this fact as a reason to not lower the city's tax rate.  I guess (because I don't think this way) the thought is: 'Don't complain to me about taxes when we're only this % of your total tax bill'.  The reason I don't like electeds saying this is because when you're on City Council, you ONLY determine the tax bill for the city.  It's irrelevant what other entities are doing. If you CAN lower the rate without large, negative impacts to citizens, then you should lower it.  Just because another entity may have a larger effect on the tax bill than the city, that is no justification for the city to tax residents like crazy because they're still taxing less than other jurisdictions.*

    On the agenda, item V. OPEN FORUM: Hearing of individuals or committees**.  I'm not sure what the double asterisk is for because I couldn't find any notation of that on their BoardBook's web page.  At any rate, I believe this is the time you would be able to address the school board on any issues you may have, as long as you signed up to speak and filled out the form and submitted it by 5:45pm that evening.
  ****  VI.B. Informational report of the work on the WISD Long Range Planning Committee's  (LRPC)  plan as well as the recommendation for a bond proposal for Spring 2023.  ****  This item is why I am putting this meeting on here at all, since I normally stick with strictly city items.  I have asked for information regarding the bonds that the LRPC are going to recommend and have been told not until after this meeting.
    Why are important to both know about bonds and to provide feedback to school board trustees?  Because bonds WILL IMPACT YOUR WALLET.  No two ways about it.  Even IF any bonds that are approve won't raise the CURRENT tax rate, as soon as the market changes and house appraisals start to fall, they will HAVE to raise their tax rate in order to pay off the debt they've accrued. (That was another question I asked that wasn't answered - about how much debt the WISD already has outstanding.) The approval of a bond gives them the authority to raise however much they may need "without limit as to rate or amount" in order to pay the bond debt back.   These bonds are there for many years and our kids and grandkids will be paying on this debt.  Voting yes/no on their propositions is a really big decision.

    If you're unable to be present for the meeting, WISD will live-stream their meeting here

** UPDATE **  It was brought to my attention that the LRPC meeting is not actually happening, so I'm
reflecting that here.  I had originally posted due to information received on WISD's website (as seen from a screen shot I took earlier today, 12/11/22), but have been told that WISD personnel and web folks are taking care of the error.

6:00 PM - Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) Meeting      
Global High School Cafeteria
275 Indian Drive
Dinner at 5:30 - LRPC members only (I'm assuming)
- Not sure if this is an open meeting or not, so residents not on the LRPC may/may not be allowed to attend. Please ask the district directly. -
There's no agenda for the meeting that I could find; however, I will link you to the LRPC website: It provides the slideshows for the previous meetings and is full of information:
I went ahead and added this to my newsletter so that y'all would know that the meeting is going on and to link the information to their specific website. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022
5:15 PM - IFCIAC - Impact Fee Capital Improvements Advisory Committee Regular Meeting
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.

3 - Public Comments

4 - Reorganize the Committee

6 - Presentation to accept Impact Fee revenue and expenditure activity from April 1 2022 - September 30, 2022 and consider proposed increase to Impact Fee collection rates.:  This is actually really important because the city is allowed by law to collect what are called "impact fees" from developers to help pay for infrastructure!  Currently, we have a discount on some of these fees, which I was not happy about; however, staff is recommending that the IFCIAC raise some of these rates so that they are at or near the maximum allowed.  I would absolutely love for that to happen because we all know that our infrastructure needs tons of money and I don't know one person who says - 'Welcome to Waxahachie, developers! We're going to pay out of our pockets to help you make money!'... We definitely don't think like that in this household.

At any rate, the members of this committee are the P&Z Commission and a City Council Liaison.  If you aren't able to make it to this meeting but still want to reach out to the committee, you could email the City Secretary at and ask her to forward your email to the IFCIAC.

This meeting will NOT be live-streamed.
6:30 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Briefing
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.

In this briefing session, staff and commissioners will discuss items for the 7:00 PM regular meeting.

This briefing session IS open to the public to attend, but will NOT be live-streamed.
7:00 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.

3 - Public Comments

5 - Public Hearing for a private club (The Flop Social Poker Lounge) - I mention this because it has been WITHDRAWN.  When an item is withdrawn, the Commission won't hear testimony regarding it or anything because they will literally have no information on the case whatsoever. 

18 & 19 - Public Hearing on a request for a Tavern located at 109 W. Franklin St., Suite 115 (the previous home to Bistro 115).  Staff is recommending approval.

There are other interesting cases on the agenda, so I highly recommend going through those by using the agenda packet link I pasted above.

This meeting IS open to the public and IS live-streamed at the following link:
Thursday, December 15, 2022
6:00 PM - Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) FINAL Meeting Before Adoption
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.
Here is a link to the FINAL DRAFT of what will become our city's new comprehensive plan:
Key TakeawaySpeak now or forever hold your peace. (Meaning contact Council, P&Z members or ask that your email be forwarded to all CPAC members since there are no Public Comments at this meeting. Also, being the last meeting before adoption means that this may be your last chance to provide input because the next time we residents see it, it will most likely be on the Council agenda for adoption.)

This Comprehensive Plan will be a blueprint for the future of our city and will be used to shape it in the ways this manual dictates.  I think everyone has a vision for how they see our town in the future.  Does your vision align with the plan?  Will the implementation of the plan's recommendations have an impact on your wallet or your quality of life?  It is pretty darn long and admittedly I haven't finished going through it as of yet, but it's really worth the time to give it a look.

I could go on and on about the importance of the plan and what all it does, but most of that information is in the link to the FINAL DRAFT that I posted above.

This IS an open meeting and residents are welcome to attend, but I DO NOT KNOW if it will be live-streamed or not.
I hope everyone is ready for the cold snap that should FINALLY be coming.  (The A/C being on in December is just wrong. lol)  I hope y'all take care and have a wonderful weekend ahead!

Your Friendly Neighbor,

Melissa Olson
(text) 817-507-5162

Sunday, November 27, 2022

The Week of November 28, 2022 in the City of Waxahachie!

Hey Y'all!
    I hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving and a long weekend!  This week's newsletter will ACTUALLY be short... For real this time...  I hope... lol
    #1 The Annual Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting on Tuesday, November 29th in downtown Waxahachie is my ALL TIME FAVORITE event each year. (The picture at the top is one I took when our family went in 2018.) It brings everyone together and is really magical.  All the details are in this link from Waxahachie's CVB (including parade route map):
    #2 There are SO MANY wonderful events going on in these next few weeks!  Please be sure to check back on the CVB's website for all the info.
     #3 As of late Sunday afternoon, 11/27/22, there are currently no meetings posted on the City's calendar for next week; however, this could change on Monday, so please feel free to check that link to see if any are added after this newsletter goes out:
** Just be sure to click "next month" for the latter part of the week, since we are beginning December!  I can't believe it's here!

    #4 The CPAC meeting previously-scheduled for Wednesday, November 30th at 6PM has been postponed due to a meeting conflict with the WISD Townhall meeting.  There is a link at the bottom of this page that you can use to sign up for updates and notifications.  It also gives contact information to the appropriate staff at City Hall who can assist you with any questions regarding this process.

    #5  - WISD - There is a very important informational townhall meeting on Wednesday, November 30th from 6 PM - 7 PM at the Fine Arts Center (Coleman).  From their website: "Join us to hear from Dr. Hollingsworth about the district's growth and future plans.  Attendees will have an opportunity to submit questions."  This is a really important meeting to attend and to ask questions, as WISD is gearing up to order another school bond.  To see some of the information that has been presented to the LRPC (Long Range Planning Committee) leading up to this, please visit the following:  The LRPC is the group who will be recommending whether or not the school board of Trustees should order a bond election for voters who reside within WISD's boundaries will then vote on.  Lots of slides full of information at the LRPC link above.  I highly encourage all to read those before the Wednesday meeting.

    And... that's a wrap! Please take a minute to check out the links I've provided for everyone.  There's a ton of information - as long as you know where to look!  

I hope that everyone has WONDERFUL WEEK AHEAD!

Your Friendly Neighbor,

Melissa Olson
(text) 817-507-5162

Sunday, November 6, 2022

The Week of November 7, 2022 in the City of Waxahachie

Hello Friends!
    We've got a lot to cover, so let's dive right on in! 

First off, Friday, November 11th is Veteran's Day.  Thank you to everyone who is serving or who has served our country!!  There will be an Ellis County Veterans Celebration on Saturday, November 12, 2022 at the Waxahachie Civic Center from 10 AM - 12:30 PM.  It is recommended to be there around 9:30 AM.

This is a WONDERFUL program that really does honor our veterans.  (Might want to bring a few tissues as well.)  They have a website for more information and also a way to donate and/or help sponsor this event.  For those who are on Facebook, please like and follow their page to stay in the loop.
Thank you to the organizers of this great event.  You make sure that it is a program truly worthy of our veterans and you are appreciated! 
Next up, there's an organization that many of us have heard of before, but may not know how to get involved.  I hadn't heard anything about toy collections for our local Toys for Tots this year and thought that maybe y'all hadn't either, so that's why I got some information to share with everyone.
Toys for Tots Ellis County helps a ton of local kids.  In 2021, they supported 4,973 children and distributed 12,603 toys IN ELLIS COUNTY.  A lot of times, there are great organizations, but their efforts don't directly impact those around you.  This one does.  There are so many ways to get involved.  You can become a toy drop off site, volunteer, donate funds and of course, donate toys and books.  Please check out their website:  Also, if you find yourself doing some shopping on Amazon, they even have a wish list that you can buy from and have those items shipped directly to the coordinator.  The link to do that is here:
Our thanks to Mr. Bell, the Toys for Tots Coordinator in Ellis County, and to everyone who helps kids all over Ellis County by donating time, money and/or toys!

Tuesday, November 8, 2022:  ELECTION DAY
Polls will be open from 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
You can find all of the links I provided below and even more on the Ellis County Elections website for this current election:
You may vote at ANY voting center in Ellis County.  Here is a full listing of them:  

In Waxahachie, the main voting location is the Cowboy Church, but other Waxahachie voting  centers include (please view the link above for a full listing):
Ellis County Womens Building on Jefferson
First United Methodist Church on Marvin
Salvation Army 
The Avenue Church
For a Google map of Election Day polling locations, please visit: 
So far, 34.54% of registered voters in Ellis County have cast their votes.
Thank you to those who have served and defended our right to vote!  Please go out and exercise that right!
On to city business!  There are several meetings this week.  Here is a link to the city's online calendar so you can see if any meetings are added after this newsletter goes out: 

I will be doing a pretty brief highlight of these meetings, so I highly encourage everyone to at least read each meeting's agenda to see if there is any item that you are particularly interested in.

Monday, November 7, 2022
6:30 PM - City Council Briefing Session
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.

This short, but usually very informational briefing allows the Council to get prepped for the meeting and ask staff questions before the actual meeting.  This briefing IS open to the public and I always recommend attending when possible.

Can residents attend?  Yes
Live-streamed?  No
7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.

Most items seemed pretty routine; however, I'll just point out a couple that I think folks would probably benefit from reading more about in the agenda packet linked just above.

4 - Public Comments
5i - Letter of Support for a Traffic Signal 2022 SMART Grant Program - lots of info in the memo, so please do look it over for this one, but I will point out one thing.  "Even though all traffic signals are owned and maintained by TXDOT...  Also, the City will be responsible for maintaining the traffic signals when our population reaches 50,000 (per Census)."  Again, please review the memo for the full text.

5k - Supplemental appropriation of $308,809 from the WCDC for the land purchase of 55.965 acres adjacent to Lions Park - Again, there is a bit of good info in the memo, but it doesn't say what the land will be used for.  My best guess would be for expansion of the Waste Water Treatment Plant.

13 - Consider bid award to Excel 4 Construction, LLC. for the 2021 Sidewalk Program in the amount of $418,212.00.  I thought this must be a typo, and was for 2022, but the memo notes "Delays to this project were due to coordination with property owners and obtaining easements." The memo also tells you where they are planning to do this.

Can residents attend?  Yes
Live-streamed? Yes

Tuesday, November 8, 2022
3:00 PM - Waxahachie Community Development Corporation (WCDC) Regular Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St. 

2 - Public Comments

3 - Reorganize the Board

4 - Approve minutes of 09/13/22 meeting and 10/18/22 work session

5 - Consider contract with Sports Fields, Inc. for Synthetic Turf Improvements Project Phase III - Not sure where exactly the turf would go for this phase, as I didn't see it noted in the memo.

Can residents attend?  Yes
Live-streamed?  No

Wednesday, November 9, 2022
12:00 PM - Civil Service Commission Regular Meeting
Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.

3 - Public Comments

This meeting is full of action items for both Fire and Police Departments.  Please refer to agenda packet link above for more information
Can residents attend?  Yes
Live-streamed?  No
Thursday, November 10, 2022
4:00 PM - Mid-Way Regional Airport Board Regular Meeting 
Upstairs Common Area, Mid-Way Regional Airport
131 Airport Dr., Midlothian

3 - Public Comments

6 - Presentation on surrounding airport fuel prices

7 - Consider establishing meeting rules for the Mid-Way Regional Airport Board meetings - I find this item to be very interesting.  In fact, any time rules, laws, procedures, ordinances, etc. are being discussed and considered, I try to pay attention because those may very well have an impact on your life; your children's lives; or your neighbors' lives.
Can residents attend?  Yes
Live-streamed?  No
** Their agenda says "The Airport Board packet is available for viewing by going to the Airport's website:" however, as of 4 PM on Sunday, November 6th, there was no packet on their site that I could find.  **

5:30 PM - Heritage Preservation Commission Meeting
Council Chamber/Council Conference Room, City Hall
401 S. Rogers St.

2 - Public Comments

4 - Consider Certificate of Appropriateness for 101 S. College

Can residents attend?  Yes
Live-streamed?  No
Thank you to those who were able to hang in there 'til the end of this rather lengthy newsletter.  I wish you all a great evening and a wonderful week ahead!
Your Friendly Neighbor,
Melissa Olson
(text) 817-507-5162