Hello Friends,
I hope everyone is doing well. We have quite a few meetings this coming week, so let's get started. As always, please refer to the City's website to see if new meetings have been added after this has been posted. http://www.waxahachie.com/calendar.php
Monday, September 28, 2020
4:00 PM - City Council Work Session
Council Conference Room, City Hall
2. Discuss Impact Fee Capital Improvement Plan Land Use Assumptions, Calculations and Recommended Fees
3. Discuss solid waste services proposals and staff recommendations - This is important because we will be discussing how we will go forward with our residential trash services and hear about what bids we received regarding this. Formal action will most likely be taken the following Monday at our Council meeting.
This meeting will not be live-streamed, but it is open to the public, should you wish to attend. The first part of the meeting might be kind of dry, but hearing the proposals for our trash service will be really interesting. This is one example of how decisions made by the city council affect all our daily lives.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
6:15 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Briefing
Council Conference Room, City Hall
This meeting is to conduct a briefing to discuss items for the 7:00 PM regular P&Z meeting
This meeting will not be live-streamed, but is open to the public should you wish to attend.
7:00 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall
There are several items on the agenda, but they are all fairly routine.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
11:30 AM - Economic Development Commission Meeting
Council Conference Room, City Hall
3. Reorganize the Board
5. Consider tax abatement incentives for Nutrenare-AG for a proposed expansion at their current facility and take any necessary action.
6. Consider tax abatement incentives for Timco Logistics Systems for a proposed expansion at their current facility and take any necessary action.
7. Consider tax abatement incentives for Kinro Texas for a proposed expansion at their current facility and take any necessary action.
There is no additional information provided regarding these proposed tax abatement incentives. Generally speaking, I'm not in favor of them unless they make a huge difference for the economy (like creating a LOT of good paying jobs). Once this commission hears the information, they will send recommendations to the City Council for action.
This meeting will not be live-streamed, but it is open to the public. One note as is stated on the agenda, "The Economic Development Commission reserves the right to go into Executive Session on any posted item," so please be aware that this could occur, should you attend the meeting.
Thursday, October 1, 2020
12:00 PM - Civil Service Commission Meeting
Council Conference Room, City Hall
This is a fairly routine meeting, but all the details are in the agenda packet, linked above.
The Meeting will be open to the public, should you wish to attend, but it will not be live-streamed.
I hope y'all enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a wonderful week ahead!
Your Friendly Councilmember,
Melissa Olson
(text) 817-507-5162