Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Week of April 27th - May 1st, 2020 in the City of Waxahachie!

Hello Neighbors!

I'd like to start this newsletter with the results of the emergency Council meeting of Thursday, April 23, 2020.  We voted 5-0 to approve the residential COVID-19 related relief in the form of a trash bill credit for 3 months and residents in good standing with Waxahachie City water will receive their deposit back in the form of a check, which will start going out soon.  For more information, please follow this link to the City's website:

As far as city meetings this week, there are only two so far on the calendar, but please check back here as meetings may be added:

Tuesday,  April 28, 2020
6:00 PM - IFCIAC, Impact Fee Capital Improvements Advisory Committee Meeting

Agenda Packet:

To listen in to the meeting, the instructions are in the agenda packet above, but for ease of access, you can dial any of the following numbers:


Enter Meeting ID: 966 1900 1662
Enter Meeting Password: 919050

If you encounter any problems joining or participating in the meeting, please call our help line at (469) 309-4290 for assistance.

In this meeting, the IFCIAC will approve the minutes of their last meeting and will hear a presentation on the April 2020 Mid-Year Impact Fee Report.  For those interested in our city's infrastructure, you may find this meeting particularly interesting.  Impact fees are those fees charged to developers to help fund the cost of the infrastructure that will serve that development.

7:00 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting

Agenda Packet

To listen in to the meeting, the instructions are in the agenda packet above, but for ease of access, you can dial any of the following numbers:


Enter Meeting ID: 946 8098 0777
Enter Meeting Password: 574732

To request to speak at one of the public hearings on the agenda, wait for that item to be announced and enter *9.  This raises a hand so that the meeting moderator knows you wish to speak on that item.

If you encounter any problems joining or participating in the meeting, please call our help line at (469) 309-4290 for assistance.

If you wish to watch the meeting, but not participate, the meeting will be live-streamed here:

Two of the cases you may be interested to hear are:

10 & 11 - Public Hearing for a detailed Site Plan review for a proposed extended stay (but not longer than 30 days per zoning ordinance) Home 2 Suites Hotel located at the SW corner of Rae Blvd. and John Arden Drive.

12 & 13 - Public Hearing for a Bahama Bucks Drive Through Establishment in the North Grove Business Park.  I had never heard of this business before, so I did some research to find it is a shaved ice and smoothie restaurant.  Here is their menu if you'd like to see what all they carry.

That's all for this upcoming week.  Since we've had an emergency called Council meeting each week for the past two weeks, I wouldn't be surprised if there is one this week, but as of right now, there isn't.

I hope that y'all are doing well and get a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend.  Have a wonderful weekend and week ahead Waxahachie!

Your Friendly Councilmember,

Melissa Olson
(text) 817-507-5162

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Emergency City Council Meeting on Thursday, 04/23/2020

Hello Neighbors!

We are having an emergency meeting of the Waxahachie City Council at noon on Thursday, 04/23/2020 via teleconference.  Anyone may call in to listen to the meeting by calling in to (469) 309-4015 or (888) 210-1560 and enter Meeting ID (PIN) 137421 

** If you encounter any problems joining or participating in the meeting, please call our help line at (469) 309-4005 for assistance. **

Agenda Packet:

The whole purpose of this meeting is to consider approval of a COVID-19 related Residential Relief Program.  One part of it is to change the residential trash service monthly charge of $15.32 (including tax) to $0.01 for three months, equating to a $45.89 benefit to the City's 10,887 residential water customers.  This is in addition to waiving late payment fees and suspending water disconnections for non-payment during this time.

There is another part in which many customers in good standing will receive up to $90 of their Waxahachie City water deposits back.

For a more detailed description of the proposed program, please read the above agenda packet for in-depth details.  This just came out as of approximately 3:00PM today, 04/22/20, so that is why it is being posted so close to the meeting. 

I'm very excited about this opportunity to give back and hope that it provides everyone with some relief during this difficult time.

Your Friendly Councilmember,

Melissa Olson
(text) 817-507-5162

Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Week of April 20th - 24th, 2020 in the City of Waxahachie

Hello Friends!

A few major things have happened this past week.

1) Governor Abbott declared that schools will be out for the rest of the school year.  I'm not sure about you, but I literally had a couple of tears come out when that was said.  The teachers won't get a proper goodbye to their students.  The students won't be able to give a proper farewell to their classmates.  And, those high school and college kids who are seniors, didn't get to participate in all the fun senior activities.  My thoughts are with all of you who are struggling with this situation.  To help with the kiddos at home, I want to provide you with a great resource.  It's called Tumblebooks and is free through the Sims Library, if you access it via this link:  There is also a whole slew of online resources through the Library, some of which you need a library card to access:

2) The results of the emergency joint Council and EDC meeting on Friday, 4/17/20, resulted in the passing of a resolution that will use up to $1 million dollars from the general fund to help local, small businesses. Since it was specifically pointed out that I voted against this measure, let me explain why. It was not a decision that I took lightly, but I made it and I’ll stick behind it. My decision to deny was primarily due to the funding source. I just don’t believe it’s an appropriate use of taxpayer funds since it is funded out of the general fund, which is 80% from taxes, 55% of that tax revenue is from property taxes. Even though the purpose is to have these funds repaid, in the case of default, I’m concerned about some loans being forgiven and by using taxpayer money to do the loan in the first place, it just didn’t feel right to me. I’ve also been told that there may be some loans that are forgiven. In fact, the term “grant” was used in today’s meeting interchangeably with loan. Sometimes it was by mistake, but the city attorney even said “grant/loan” when speaking about the program.
I’m concerned about the screening process being only 3 people, who are good people, but lending is not their forte. It seems as if lending would be better left to the banks.

I lost a lot of sleep researching and thinking about this, in fact, because I whole-heartedly want to help our local, small businesses. I would love to hear every success story that this fund creates because I truly want the best for the businesses here. It was very unfortunate, but I just couldn’t get comfortable enough with the program to vote yes on it. I also think it was probably just a hair too early to pull the trigger on this program. The attorney even suggested that we wait to see if Congress funds the PPP program more. I actually suggested doing some sort of city property tax forgiveness to help the small businesses, but was told that it probably wouldn’t be enough money soon enough to help. Whether you agree with my decision or not, I hope that it at least lets you know why I voted the way I did.

If you would like to apply for these funds or see the details, please follow this link to the City's website:

3) Here are the draft minutes from recent city board meetings:

As of right now, there is only one meeting scheduled for this coming week, but that can change at any time, so please check back on the City's calendar regularly:

Monday, April 20, 2020
7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting

Agenda Packet:

To participate in the telephone conference call, dial any of the following phone numbers:

1 (346) 248-7799
1 (253) 215-8782
1 (888) 475-4499

Enter Meeting ID: 960 6517 2796
Enter Meeting Password: 715271

To request to speak at one of the public hearings on the agenda, wait for that item to be announced and enter *9.  The meeting moderator will acknowledge your request in turn and allow you to speak.

If you wish to watch the meeting but not participate, the Council meeting will be live streamed on the city's website at:

This is a rather lengthy agenda, so please be patient as we make our way through it on Monday evening.  There are multiple P&Z items, with a few of them that may be of interest to you.

7-9: Public Hearing on a request on behalf of WISD to create a residential planned development that allows for 120 townhome lots at the NW corner of Peters Street at Graham Street.

12-14: Public Hearing on a request on behalf of Dirk Nowitzki to create a Single Family 3 (the smallest lots in our SF zoning) planned development called Sunrise at Garden Valley.

15-17: Public Hearing on a request by Hope Clinic for a zoning change from SF2 zoning to Planned Development - Commercial located at the SE corner of Farley Street at Coleman Street

33: Consider a petition for relief request for an impact fee waiver associated with the Lakeway Estates plat.  This is an interesting case because the developer has said he can annex this development or not.  Impact fees go to pay for infrastructure for an area, so I am generally opposed to waiving this fee due to the fact that someone will have to pay for it and I'd rather it not be the taxpayers.  I haven't yet heard the case as to why it should be waived, so that will be interesting to hear.

34-37: Awarding bids for the corridor rehabilitation (redoing streets, etc) for a portion of Kaufman Street and Cumberland Street.  Items 35 & 37 are to consider resolutions authorizing the reimbursement of the General fund from the proceeds of future debt (certificates of obligation).

38-43: Public Hearings and consideration regarding the demolition of structures that have come before the Council before.  The addresses of the structures are 10 Yinger St., 214 Dunlap St., and 908 Wyatt St.

These are just some of the items on the agenda.  The details for all items are included in the agenda packet, linked above.


Please note that Monday, April 20th, was supposed to be the first day of early voting for the City Council and WISD School Board elections; however, those have both been moved to November.  Early voting will now take place near the end of October.

This was a longer-than-usual newsletter, but as originally stated, there's been quite a bit going on. Please continue to stay safe and be well.

I hope that you have a wonderful week ahead, Waxahachie!

Your Friendly Councilmember,

Melissa Olson
(text) 817-507-5162

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Emergency Joint Council & EDC Meeting on 04/17/20

We have an emergency meeting via teleconference tomorrow, April 17, 2020 for the Waxahachie City Council and the Economic Development Commission. Individuals will not be allowed to physically attend the meeting.  Residents are welcome to listen to the meeting via telephone conference call.  Instructions are on the first page of the agenda packet.

Friday, April 17, 2020
9:00 AM - Emergency Joint Meeting of the Waxahachie City Council and the Economic Development Commission

Agenda Packet:

The purpose of this meeting is to consider a resolution to adopt Chapter 380 COVID-19 Emergency Loan for Small Businesses Program.

I would love for this program to roll out and help our local small businesses which have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 crisis, but I do have some reservations.

All of the information regarding the loan is in the agenda packet link above, but some highlights are:
- 0% interest loan for 30 months, with the first payment being deferred for 6 months
- Up to $50,000 per qualified applicant. 

The resolution up for consideration creates the Loan Review Committee, which will be comprised of the Mayor, City Manager and Chamber of Commerce CEO.  This resolution also gives this 3 person group the "sole-discretion" in granting the loans.  Normally Chapter 380 agreements are those voted on by the entire City Council; but, this resolution would grant the Mayor, after an affirmative vote of the Review Committee, to sign the 380 Agreement on behalf of the City.

The resolution also allocates up to $1 Million from unrestricted fund balance to fund the Local Stimulus Program for Small Businesses.  This is why I have the budget page with the sourcing of the General Fund at the top.  80% of the General Fund is funded by taxes.  Of those, 55% are property taxes.  While this is a great program for the City to offer, my main concern is that it is funded in large part, due to taxes.  I'm not 100% sure that this is an appropriate way to use taxpayer funds.  There's no question about the legality of it.  I just have reservations about the City becoming a bank.  What happens if someone defaults on the loan? One of the remedies the City has in case of a default is to: "(iii) take such other action as the City deems necessary and appropriate, consistent with the terms of the Agreement and applicable law."  Does this include loan forgiveness?  There are still questions to be answered at the meeting tomorrow, but these are my thoughts.  I'd love to hear yours.

Stay safe and be well!

Melissa Olson
(text) 817-507-5162

Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Week of April 13th - 17th, 2020 in the City of Waxahachie

Hello Friends!

I hope that everyone is staying well.  I'd like to wish you a Happy Easter from my family to yours.  If you don't have anywhere to celebrate Easter, I'd love to have you join us online at our church.  There will be no Saturday service but will offer the following times on Sunday - 7AM, 9:30AM, 11:15AM & 2PM
Watch live: 

- Via Facebook at
- Through the website at:

Now on to City business.  There will be a fair amount of business conducted this week.  I must preface with the following due to COVID-19:

1) Residents are NOT allowed to attend the meetings in person
2) There will be a number for each meeting that you can call to listen to the meeting via telephone conference call. 
3) You may call in to speak on a public hearing item.
4) There are no general public comments happening at this time.  I don't agree with this, but I've been informed it is being handled this way per the advice of our city attorney.
5) Please be patient when calling in to speak during a public hearing.  It is very different for us to hold meetings with people participating via teleconference call and sometimes there are technical difficulties. Council, Board Members and Staff have all been doing a great job with this adjustment and I would like to ask for your help with it as well.  We are all getting through this together.  We just need to show grace to each other when things go slowly and when problems arise.

*** THANK YOU *** for the patience and grace that you've shown us so far!

City meetings for this week can be found on the City's calendar here:

Tuesday, April 14, 2020
3:00 PM - (WCDC) Waxahachie Community Development Corporation Regular Meeting

Agenda Packet:

The only matter of business is for the board to consider an award of contract (out of 7 bidders) for the Sports Complex Parking Lot Phase III in the amount of $730,497.92.

This meeting will not be live-streamed; however, you may dial in to participate via conference call.  Instructions are on the first page of the agenda packet.

7:00 PM - Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
Teleconference / Live Stream

Agenda Packet:

Live Stream (if you'd like to watch but not speak on a public hearing item):

Teleconference: If you'd like to participate in one of the public hearings, there are instructions on how to call in.  For example, one of the numbers to call in on is 1-888-475-4499, Enter Meeting ID: 405 695 954, Enter Meeting Password: 017354

There are a few items that people have expressed interest in:

4 & 5 - This is the case of Oak Cliff Metals, regarding the revocation of their SUP. This item has been continued until the May 12, 2020 P&Z meeting.  We want people to be able to participate in person for this public hearing and because of the COVID crisis, that isn't possible at the current time.  Therefore, we may need to continue it again, if the stay at home orders are extended beyond April 30th. Just wanted to give you a head's up on that.

16 & 17 - Public hearing on zoning change request from SF2 to SF3, located South of Blue Bonnet Trails Phases 1 & 2, from owner Blue Bonnet Trails. This is the development across Farley from River Oaks subdivision.  Staff recommends DENIAL of this case.

18 & 19 - Public hearing request from Clyde Hargrove for a zoning change from SF1 Planned Development to SF1, located generally on FM 877 just SE of Lake Waxahachie. The applicant is requesting relief from the City of impact fees and park dedication fees.  Staff recommends approval of the development (it should be a really nice area of homes), but to deny the fee waiver.

21 & 22 - Public hearing on a development called Sunrise at Garden Valley on property owned by Dirk Nowitzki.  This item was continued from the last P&Z meeting and some changes have been made since then. The applicant has:
a) Decreased the number of lots from 245 to 236
b) Increased average lot size from 11,096 to 11,664
c) Increased rear setback from 10' to 25'
d) Increased lots adjacent to Mustang Meadows (?) on SE corner to min. 16,000 sq. ft. Rear lot lines greater than 100' wide.
e) Increased lots adjacent to Willow Springs on SW corner to min 11,600 sq ft.  Lot widths minimum 80'.
f) Adjusted "Street E: on far West side to be double fronted
g) Separated lots throughout development, specifically on Block G, to have large variety of lot sizes. (67' - 108' wide)

Wednesday, April 15, 2020
2:00 PM - Heritage Preservation Commission Meeting

Agenda Packet -

This is a fairly routine meeting, with the exception of agenda item number 5.  The Commission will consider previously tabled HT tax exemption applications.

This meeting is not live-streamed; however, the first page of the agenda packet gives instructions on how to listen to the meeting live via teleconference call.

COVID cases continue to rise in the city, so please stay well.

I wish you all a Happy Easter and a wonderful week ahead!

Your Friendly Councilmember,

Melissa Olson
(text) 817-507-5162


Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Week of April 6th -10th, 2020 in the City of Waxahachie

Hello Neighbors!

Here is our current status on the Covid-19 situation:

As of 2:00 PM Saturday 04/04/20, we have 29 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ellis County, with 4 confirmed cases being in Waxahachie.  Please continue to only go out when absolutely necessary and send just one person from each family, if possible.  I fully expect these numbers to keep rising as more people are being tested, but with the cooperation of the whole community, I hope that the numbers will be much lower than if we all just went about our daily lives, as if this were not happening.  I know it's hard, but your efforts are appreciated!

Here are the draft minutes from recent board meetings. There won't be many minutes going forward, as we are only having Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council meetings until things with the COVID crisis calm down.

The only meeting we have scheduled for the upcoming week is a City Council Meeting.

Monday, April 6, 2020
7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting
Available via Telephone and Live Streaming

* Please note the instructions on the first page of the agenda in order to participate in the meeting. *

Agenda Packet:

This meeting just has a couple of P&Z items and some basic governmental business such as replacing a vacuum truck, hiring a company to vet a new waste services contract and award bids for lighting at Lee Penn Park and construction of a cemetery pavilion.

There will be an executive session this Monday evening for "consultation with attorney regarding consideration of ordinance repealing, amending and/or replacement of Amended order of March 25, 2020 related to COVID-19 Emergency Declaration...".  If there is any action taken, it will be done once we reconvene from executive session. Just FYI -  I am not allowed to discuss any particulars regarding executive session items, but I'm always willing to listen to your ideas and/or concerns on the topic.

Our meeting will be live-streamed via this link:

We are currently operating under Governor Abbott's most recent executive order, which you can read here:

For other COVID-19 resources, please refer to the City's website:

Thank you to everyone who is doing their part to stop the spread of COVID-19.  With things changing often, these seem to be more uncertain times than ever, but if we continue working together, we are going to come out of this faster and be stronger when it's all over.

Stay well, Waxahachie!

Your Friendly Councilmember,

Melissa Olson
(text) 817-507-5162